The State Land Registrar may select lands on behalf of the State of Nevada in accordance with the terms of any grant authorized by the Congress of the United States. [15:85:1885; A 1889, 123; C § 316; RL § 3210; NCL § 5526]—(NRS A 1961, 717; 1975, 91; 1997, 964)
1. Subject to the provisions of subsection 2, whenever, pursuant to the laws of the United States, any lands are offered to the State of Nevada by the United States Government or any department thereof, the Governor or the State Land Registrar may accept the lands and the possession and title thereof in the name […]
1. The State Land Registrar may make direct sales of lands owned by the State to a public agency or local government of the State if the land is: (a) Not needed for use by the State; and (b) Needed for a valid public use. 2. Land sold pursuant to this section must be sold […]
1. If the State of Nevada leases, sells or otherwise transfers, with or without consideration, a state park or any part thereof to a local government, the local government must agree to operate and maintain the park or part thereof in such a manner that the use and enjoyment of the park or part thereof […]
The holder of any unlocated land warrant of this State, issued before March 12, 1885, may present that land warrant to the State Land Registrar for reimbursement from the State Permanent School Fund of the amount paid for the land warrant. [11:85:1885; C § 312; RL § 3206; NCL § 5522]—(NRS A 1997, 965)
1. Every person who entered into a contract with the State of Nevada for the purchase of any trust lands of the State of Nevada before July 3, 1997, or his or her heirs, assigns or lawful successors, and every patentee of trust lands purchased from the State of Nevada, shall, subject to the royalty […]