Every person or his or her heirs, assigns or lawful successors, who has received a patent or deed between March 3, 1887, and July 3, 1997, from the State of Nevada granting to him or her any trust lands of the State of Nevada must, subject to the royalty contained in NRS 321.300, be confirmed […]
1. Every person or his or her heirs, assigns or lawful successors referred to in NRS 321.331, who is entitled to any trust lands that may have been purchased by the person or his or her predecessors in interest, from the State of Nevada between March 3, 1887, and July 3, 1997, or who has […]
1. If in an action authorized by NRS 321.332 it is determined that the State of Nevada has any interest in any minerals in the lands which are the subject of the action, except the royalty provided for in NRS 321.300, any person or his or her heirs, assigns or lawful successors bringing the action […]