As used in this chapter, “Taylor Grazing Act” means that certain Act of Congress approved June 28, 1934, and being chapter 865, 48 Stat. 1269, together with all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto. [Part 1:94:1937; 1931 NCL § 5588.01]
1. The State Land Registrar is authorized to negotiate with the Secretary of the Interior of the United States concerning the exchange of state lands for lands belonging to the United States within or without the boundaries of stock grazing districts created within this state by the Taylor Grazing Act. 2. The State Land Registrar […]
1. The state lands exchanged for lands of the United States under the provisions of this chapter shall be exchanged either upon an equal value basis or upon an equal acreage basis, but upon no other basis. 2. The mineral rights in the state lands exchanged on an equal acreage basis shall be reserved to […]
The State Land Registrar is empowered to exchange and cause to be exchanged state lands for lands of the United States pursuant to section 8 of the Taylor Grazing Act and the rules and regulations of the Secretary of the Interior relating thereto, but the State Land Registrar shall enter into no agreement concerning the […]
All lands received from the United States in exchange for state lands may be sold with the approval of the State Board of Examiners and the Interim Finance Committee. [Part 3:94:1937; 1931 NCL § 5588.03]—(NRS A 1975, 62; 1989, 512)
1. The State Land Registrar may, with the approval of the State Board of Examiners and the Interim Finance Committee, exchange state lands or interests in land for any other lands or interests of land. The Division of State Lands of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources shall determine the values of the […]