As used in this chapter: 1. “Carey Act” means the provisions of 43 U.S.C. §§ 641 et seq., and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. 2. “Division” means the Division of State Lands of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. [Part 1:76:1911; RL § 3064; NCL § 5475] + [Part 2:76:1911; A […]
The State of Nevada accepts the terms and conditions of the Carey Act, and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto which may be passed by the Congress of the United States, together with all the grants of land made to the State by the Federal Government under the provisions of that act. [Part 1:76:1911; […]
The selection, management and disposal of such land is vested in the Division. [Part 2:76:1911; A 1915, 335; 1919 RL § 3065; NCL § 5476] + [Part 28:76:1911; RL § 3091; NCL § 5502]—(NRS A 1957, 649; 1959, 91; 1969, 1428; 1975, 108; 1977, 373, 1192)
1. The Administrator of the Division is designated as the State Registrar of Lands Under the Carey Act. 2. The State Registrar of Lands Under the Carey Act: (a) Is the custodian of all papers, documents, maps and plats relating to Carey Act lands. (b) Shall receive and give a receipt for all fees and […]
1. Before September 1 of each even-numbered year, for the biennium ending June 30 of such year, the State Registrar of Lands Under the Carey Act shall prepare a detailed report of the transactions concerning Carey Act lands and file one copy of the report with the Secretary of State. 2. All pending proceedings before […]
1. The Division may establish and require the observance of such regulations as the Division may deem necessary, proper or expedient, not in conflict with law or the regulations of the Department of the Interior, for the administration of the provisions of this chapter. 2. Such regulations shall be published from time to time in […]
The Division shall determine the time, manner and conditions under which lands and water rights of any segregation, or any part thereof, are thrown open for entry by or sale to intending settlers. [16:76:1911; RL § 3079; NCL § 5490]—(NRS A 1977, 1193)
1. The Division may fix the price at which the State disposes of lands in each segregation to settlers at the time of their entry, which must not be less than $10 per acre nor more than the fair market value, including costs incidental to the application. 2. The proceeds must be deposited with the […]
A nonrefundable fee of $100 must be collected by the Division pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and deposited with the State Treasurer for credit to the Carey Act Account. The fee covers one copy each of all original documents from the time of application to the time of issuance of patent, including the […]
1. The proceeds derived by the State from fees and the sale of Carey Act lands must be deposited in the Carey Act Account. The money is subject to control and disposition by the Division and may be used by the Division for the following purposes only: (a) For the payment of all necessary expenses […]
1. The State Engineer must be compensated for his or her services by such fees and expense allowances as are authorized by law to be assessed against an applicant for a water right. The expense of the inspection, supervision and report of the State Engineer upon the proposed irrigation works of an applicant and all […]
1. Any natural person, association, company or corporation desiring to construct impounding dams, canals, ditches or other irrigation works, pumping plants, or artesian wells to reclaim lands under the provisions of this chapter, may file with the Division an application for any land which is listed by the Division as being available for reclamation through […]
1. All applications for Carey Act lands which are prepared and submitted in accordance with the regulations of the Division and of the Department of the Interior must be referred to the State Engineer. The State Engineer shall submit a written report which includes information regarding the water supply, the status of the water right, […]
1. Immediately after an application has been approved by the Division, and before the filing of the request for the segregation of land with the Bureau of Land Management, the applicant shall deposit with the Division a sum which, according to the estimate of the Division, will cover the entire cost of the surveys, determinations, […]
1. Upon approval by the Secretary of the Interior of the application for a segregation, the Division must enter into a contract with the applicant for the segregation. The contract must contain: (a) Such complete specifications with respect to the system of irrigation works proposed to reclaim the lands of the segregation as the Division […]
1. All contracts shall state: (a) That the works covered by the contract shall begin within 6 months from the date of the contract; (b) That the construction shall be prosecuted diligently and continuously to completion; and (c) That the cessation of work under the contract for a period of 6 months shall forfeit to […]
Any contract entered into pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may subsequently be modified if in the opinion of the Division the modification conserves and protects the public welfare and the rights of settlers. If the modification relates to changes in the irrigation works or to an extension of time for its completion, the […]
1. A person, association, company or corporation contracting with the State under the provisions of this chapter, or their assigns, shall not require any advance payment of any settler or prospective settler prior to the time when water for the irrigation of his or her entry or allotment is actually available, unless a satisfactory bond […]
1. Upon the failure of any party having a contract with the State for the construction of irrigation works to begin the works within the time specified by the contract, or to complete the works within the time or in accordance with the specifications of the contract to the satisfaction of the State Engineer, the […]
1. Before entering upon any land pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, the applicant shall file with the Division: (a) A certified copy of a water permit or a contract for a perpetual water right into which the applicant has entered with whomever is authorized by the Division to furnish water for the reclamation […]