When the corporate authorities of any city or town, or the judge of the district court for any county in this state in which any unincorporated town is situated, shall have entered at the proper office of the Bureau of Land Management the land, or any part of the land, settled and occupied as the […]
1. Whenever the corporate authorities or the judge of the district court shall have received a certificate of entry, patent or other evidence of title to the real property embraced within the limits of any city or town, the corporate authorities or the judge of the district court shall cause the same to be recorded […]
1. Any corporate authorities, the judge of the district court holding the title to any land in trust, as declared in 43 U.S.C. §§ 718 to 723, inclusive, or any one of his or her successors in office shall, by a good and sufficient deed of conveyance, grant and convey the title to each block, […]
1. Within 90 days after the receipt by the corporate authorities or the judge of the district court of a patent for such lands, the corporate authorities or the judge of the district court entering the lands shall give public notice thereof by: (a) Publication of a notice once a week for at least 6 […]
1. Within 6 months after the first publication of the notice provided for in NRS 325.040, each person, company, corporation or association claiming to be an occupant or occupants, or to have, possess or be entitled to the right of occupancy or possession of such lands, or any block, lot, share or parcel thereof, shall, […]
1. Should two or more persons, companies, corporations or associations claim adversely the title to any lot, lots or parcels of land within the boundaries of such city or town, the corporate authorities, the judge of the district court having entered the same, or any one of his or her successors in office shall, immediately […]
1. After the issuance of the patent for such lands, the corporate authorities, the judge of the district court to whom the patent has been issued or any one of his or her successors in office shall make out, execute and deliver to each person, company, corporation or association who may be legally entitled to […]
All lots, blocks, shares or parcels of land within the boundaries of the city or town which shall not have been claimed as provided in NRS 325.050 or 325.130 shall, after the limitation provided in NRS 325.050 or 325.140 has expired, be sold and the proceeds of such sale disposed of as provided in NRS […]
1. If any lot, block, share or parcel of such land is not claimed as provided in NRS 325.050 or 325.130, such land shall be sold to the highest bidder, after notice as required in NRS 325.140. The net proceeds, after deduction of all legitimate expenses, shall be applied to the construction and equipment of […]
In all cases where it shall become necessary, in the opinion of the citizens of the town, to make a survey of any townsite for the purpose of identifying or locating the lots, blocks, squares, streets or alleys contained within the limits of the townsite, the costs of the survey shall be paid to the […]
1. Any corporate authorities or the judge of the district court becoming a trustee under 43 U.S.C. §§ 718 to 723, inclusive, who shall, prior to the final execution of their trust, as provided in this chapter, go out of office, are empowered to discharge and execute all trusts which they may have assumed, in […]