1. The Contingency Account is hereby created in the State General Fund. Money for the Account must be provided by direct legislative appropriation. 2. Money in the Contingency Account may be allocated and expended within the limitations and in the manner provided in NRS 353.268, 353.269 and 538.650 or by the Legislature directly: (a) For […]
1. When any state agency or officer, at a time when the Legislature is not in session, finds that circumstances for which the Legislature has made no other provision require an expenditure during the biennium of money in excess of the amount appropriated by the Legislature for the biennium for the support of that agency […]
1. The recommendation of the State Board of Examiners for an allocation from the Contingency Account shall be transmitted to the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau, who shall notify the Chair of the Interim Finance Committee. The Chair shall call a meeting of the Committee to consider the recommendation. 2. No allocation from the […]