1. At least once every fiscal year and as often as he or she may deem proper, the Legislative Auditor shall count the money in the State Treasury. The Legislative Auditor shall not give the State Treasurer any previous notice of the hour or day of the counting. 2. The State Treasurer shall permit the […]
The Legislative Auditor shall count all moneys and securities in the State Treasury belonging to the State, or to any department thereof, and all other moneys and securities of which the State Treasurer is custodian. [Part 1:12:1928; A 1955, 204]—(NRS A 1959, 524; 1963, 1025; 1971, 371; 1973, 1665)
It is unlawful for the Legislative Auditor to count as money in the State Treasury anything but actual checks pending deposit and currency in the custody of the State Treasurer, or deposits in depository banks, credit unions or savings banks or in insured savings and loan associations. [2:12:1928; A 1955, 204]—(NRS A 1959, 524; 1963, […]
1. When the count of state money, funds and securities is completed, the Legislative Auditor shall make a report and file it in the Office of the Secretary of State. When filed with the Secretary of State, the report is a public record. 2. The report must show separately: (a) The actual amount of money […]
If the Legislative Auditor willfully shall fail to perform the duties imposed under the provisions of NRS 353.065, 353.070 and 353.075, or willfully shall neglect or refuse to perform any duty enjoined thereunder, the Legislative Auditor shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be further punished as provided in NRS 197.230. [3:12:1928; A […]