As used in NRS 353.2705 to 353.2771, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 353.2707 to 353.2731, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections. (Added to NRS by 1997, 2538; A 1999, 3129; 2003, 20th Special Session, 195; 2019, 3631)
“Account” means the Disaster Relief Account created by NRS 353.2735. (Added to NRS by 2003, 20th Special Session, 195)
“Disaster” means a fire, flood, earthquake, drought, explosion, civil disturbance, crisis involving violence on school property, at a school activity or on a school bus, or any other occurrence or threatened occurrence that, regardless of cause: 1. Results in, or may result in, widespread or severe damage to property or injury to or the death […]
“Division” means the Division of Emergency Management of the Office of the Military. (Added to NRS by 1999, 3128; A 2001, 2599; 2021, 2090)
“Eligible project” means a project that: 1. Is related to a disaster; and 2. Is proposed, coordinated or conducted by a public or nonprofit private entity that has been designated and approved as qualifying and eligible to receive federal grant money for the disaster from a federal agency. (Added to NRS by 1997, 2538; A […]
“Grant match” means the share of a grant provided by a federal agency that must be matched by a state or local government. (Added to NRS by 1997, 2538; A 2013, 3438)
“Local government” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 354.474. The term includes, without limitation, a tribal government that has entered into an agreement pursuant to NRS 353.2739. (Added to NRS by 1997, 2538; A 2019, 3631)
1. The Disaster Relief Account is hereby created in the State General Fund. The Interim Finance Committee shall administer the Disaster Relief Account. 2. The Division may accept grants, gifts or donations for deposit in the Disaster Relief Account. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, money received from: (a) A direct legislative appropriation to […]
1. The Division shall establish a revolving account within the State General Fund for the awarding of grants by the Division from the revolving account to persons who own and occupy homes damaged by a disaster for costs related to the damages. 2. Upon the declaration of a disaster pursuant to NRS 414.070, the Chief […]
1. The Attorney General may enter into an agreement with a tribal government to provide for the distribution of money from the Account as a grant or loan to the tribal government because of a disaster. The provisions of such an agreement must require: (a) The tribal government to substantially comply with the provisions of […]
Money in the Account may be distributed as a grant to a state agency because of a disaster for the payment of expenses incurred by the state agency for: 1. The repair or replacement of public roads, public streets, bridges, water control facilities, public buildings, public utilities, recreational facilities and parks owned by the State […]
Money in the Account may be distributed as a grant to a local government because of a disaster for: 1. The payment of not more than 50 percent of the expenses incurred by the local government for: (a) The repair or replacement of public roads, public streets, bridges, water control facilities, public buildings, public utilities, […]
Money in the Account may be distributed as a loan to a local government because of a disaster for: 1. The payment of expenses incurred by the local government for: (a) The repair or replacement of public roads, public streets, bridges, water control facilities, public buildings, public utilities, recreational facilities and parks owned by the […]
1. A state agency or local government may request the Division to provide technical assistance to the state agency or local government by conducting an assessment of the damages related to an event for which the state agency or local government seeks a grant or loan from the Account. 2. Upon receipt of such a […]
A local government may request a grant or loan from the Account if: 1. Pursuant to NRS 414.090 or an agreement entered into pursuant to NRS 353.2739, the governing body of the local government determines that an event which has occurred constitutes a disaster; and 2. After the Division conducts an assessment of the damages […]
1. Not later than 60 days after the Governor, in the case of a notice by a state agency, or the governing body of a local government determines that an event constitutes a disaster, a state agency or local government may submit to the Division a written notice of the state agency’s or local government’s […]
1. The State Board of Examiners shall submit a recommendation for each request for a grant or loan made pursuant to NRS 353.2755 to the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau. Upon receipt of the recommendation, the Director shall notify the Chair of the Interim Finance Committee of that recommendation. The Chair shall call a […]
1. In addition to any applicable requirements set forth in NRS 353.2751, if the Interim Finance Committee approves a loan to a local government pursuant to the provisions of NRS 353.2705 to 353.2771, inclusive, the approval must include a schedule for the repayment of the loan. The schedule must specify: (a) A period of not […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in this section, no grant or loan may be made from the Account to a state agency or local government unless, as a condition of making the grant or loan, the state agency or local government agrees to provide an amount of its resources equal to at least 25 percent […]