NRS 353.150 – Short title.
NRS 353.150 to 353.246, inclusive, may be cited as the State Budget Act. [1:299:1949; 1943 NCL § 6995.01]—(NRS A 1979, 106, 609, 1238; 1989, 851; 2009, 431)
NRS 353.150 to 353.246, inclusive, may be cited as the State Budget Act. [1:299:1949; 1943 NCL § 6995.01]—(NRS A 1979, 106, 609, 1238; 1989, 851; 2009, 431)
As used in NRS 353.150 to 353.246, inclusive, “Chief” means the Chief of the Budget Division of the Office of Finance. [2:299:1949; 1943 NCL § 6995.02]—(NRS A 1963, 1063; 1991, 470, 2446; 2013, 571)
The Budget Division of the Office of Finance shall administer the provisions of NRS 353.150 to 353.246, inclusive, except NRS 353.226 to 353.229, inclusive, subject to administrative supervision by the Director of the Office of Finance. [3:299:1949; A 1953, 371]—(NRS A 1963, 1063; 1993, 2211)
1. The Chief shall have 4 years of responsible experience and education in accounting, public budget administration, governmental research, or in a related position involving administrative or financial responsibility, or any equivalent combination of experience or training. 2. The Chief shall be selected with special reference to his or her training, experience, capacity and interest […]
The powers and duties of the Chief are: 1. To appraise the quantity and quality of services rendered by each agency in the Executive Department of the State Government, and the needs for such services and for any new services. 2. To develop plans for improvements and economies in organization and operation of the Executive […]
The Chief may: 1. Examine all public accounts of agencies in the Executive Department of the State Government. 2. Administer an oath to and examine under oath, when the Chief deems it necessary, any public official in the Executive Department of the State Government in relation to or concerning his or her books and accounts. […]
The Chief shall have authority: 1. To investigate duplication of work of departments, institutions and agencies in the Executive Department of the State Government. 2. To investigate and study the organization and administration of departments, institutions and agencies in the Executive Department of the State Government. 3. To formulate plans for better and more effective […]
1. The Committee on Local Government Finance created pursuant to NRS 354.105 shall, in consultation with the Director of the Office of Finance, adopt regulations to establish procedures for transferring a function from a state agency to a local government or from a local government to a state agency. 2. The regulations adopted by the […]
1. The proposed budget for the Executive Department of the State Government for each fiscal year must be set up in four parts: (a) Part 1 must consist of a budgetary message by the Governor which includes: (1) A general summary of the long-term performance goals of the Executive Department of the State Government for: […]
1. The Chief shall: (a) Require the Office of Economic Development and the Office of Energy each periodically to conduct an analysis of the relative costs and benefits of each incentive for economic development previously approved by the respective office and in effect during the immediately preceding 2 fiscal years, including, without limitation, any abatement […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 6 and 7, on or before September 1 of each even-numbered year, all departments, institutions and other agencies of the Executive Department of the State Government, and all agencies of the Executive Department of the State Government receiving state money, fees or other money under the authority of […]
1. On or before October 15 of each even-numbered year, the Chief shall provide to the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau: (a) Computerized budget files containing the actual data regarding revenues and expenditures for the previous year; (b) The work programs for the current year; and (c) Each agency’s requested budget for […]
1. In preparing the proposed budget for the Executive Department of the State Government for each biennium, the Chief shall not exceed the limit upon total proposed expenditures for purposes other than construction and reducing any unfunded accrued liability of the State Retirees’ Health and Welfare Benefits Fund created by NRS 287.0436 from the State […]
1. The Budget Division of the Office of Finance shall maintain a computer network, computer system or other similar means of electronic storage for the work programs of the departments, institutions and agencies of the Executive Department of the State Government. 2. Work programs that are included in the system established pursuant to subsection 1 […]
1. The head of any department, institution or agency of the Executive Department of the State Government, whenever he or she deems it necessary because of changed conditions, may request the revision of the work program of his or her department, institution or agency at any time during the fiscal year, and submit the revised […]
1. A state agency other than the Nevada System of Higher Education and vocational licensing boards may not change a position for which money has been appropriated or authorized from one occupational group to another, as defined by the index developed pursuant to NRS 284.171, without the approval of the Legislature or of the Interim […]
1. In order to provide some degree of flexibility to meet emergencies arising during each fiscal year in the expenditures for the State Education Fund and for operation and maintenance of the various departments, institutions and agencies of the Executive Department of the State Government, the Chief, with the approval in writing of the Governor, […]
1. On or before July 1 of each even-numbered year, the Governor shall impanel an Economic Forum. 2. The Governor shall appoint three members of the Governor’s own selection and one member nominated by the Majority Floor Leader of the Senate and one member nominated by the Speaker of the Assembly to serve on the […]
1. The Economic Forum impaneled pursuant to NRS 353.226 shall: (a) Elect a Chair and Vice Chair from among its members at its first meeting; (b) Adopt such rules governing the conduct of the Economic Forum as it deems necessary; and (c) Hold such number of meetings as may be necessary to accomplish the tasks […]
1. The Economic Forum impaneled pursuant to NRS 353.226 shall: (a) Make such projections for economic indicators as it deems necessary to ensure that an accurate estimate is produced pursuant to paragraph (b); (b) Provide an accurate estimate of the revenue that will be collected by the State for general, unrestricted uses, and not for […]