1. The Nevada College Savings Trust Fund is hereby created. 2. The Trust Fund is an instrumentality of this state, and its property and income are exempt from all taxation by this state and any political subdivision thereof. 3. The Trust Fund consists of: (a) All money deposited in accordance with savings trust agreements; (b) […]
1. The Trust Fund and any account established by the State Treasurer pursuant to this section must be administered by the State Treasurer. 2. The State Treasurer shall establish such accounts as he or she determines necessary to carry out his or her duties pursuant to NRS 353B.300 to 353B.370, inclusive, including, without limitation: (a) […]
The Board may apply for and accept a grant and may accept any gift, bequest, devise or other donation provided by a public or private source for administrative costs or costs of marketing the Nevada College Savings Program set forth in NRS 353B.300 to 353B.370, inclusive, including the Nevada College Kick Start Program, in accordance […]
1. The Board shall establish a comprehensive investment plan for the money in the Trust Fund. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of any specific statute to the contrary, the Board may invest or cause to be invested any money in the Trust Fund, including, without limitation, the money in the Program Account, in any manner reasonable […]