It shall be legal for this state and any of its departments or political subdivisions, or any political or public corporation, or any instrumentality of the State to invest their funds, or moneys in their custody, in the bonds of the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation or in the bonds of any Federal Home Loan Bank, […]
1. Subject to such regulations as may be prescribed by the Federal Housing Administrator, the State of Nevada and any city or county or instrumentality thereof are authorized: (a) To make such loans and advances of credit, and purchases of obligations representing the loans and advances of credit, as are eligible for insurance by the […]
1. Whenever by the terms of any general or special law depositaries of public or other funds are required by law to give security therefor, the bonds of any Federal Home Loan Bank or the bonds of the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation, or consolidated Federal Home Loan Bank bonds, debentures or notes may be used […]