The State Treasurer may invest any available money in the State Treasury, other than that in the State Permanent School Fund and that in the State Insurance Fund, in farm mortgage loans fully insured and guaranteed by the Farmers Home Administration of the United States Department of Agriculture, farm loan bonds, consolidated farm loan bonds, […]
1. By unanimous vote of its members and with the approval of the State Board of Examiners, the State Board of Finance may lend any available money in the State Treasury, other than that in the State Permanent School Fund and the State Insurance Fund, to local governments situated within the boundaries of the State […]
The State Treasurer may lend securities from the investment portfolio of this state if he or she receives collateral from the borrower which represents at least 102 percent of the value of the securities borrowed. For the purposes of this section, the value of the securities borrowed must be determined on a daily basis. (Added […]
1. In addition to other investments provided for by a specific statute, the following bonds and other securities are proper and lawful investments of any of the money of this state, of its various departments, institutions and agencies, and of the State Insurance Fund: (a) Bonds and certificates of the United States; (b) Bonds, notes, […]
In investing pursuant to NRS 355.140, the State Treasurer shall exercise the judgment and care, under the circumstances then prevailing, which a person of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercises in the management of his or her own affairs, not in regard to speculation, but in regard to the investment of his or her money, considering […]
1. Before making any investment in the bonds and other securities designated in NRS 355.140, the State Board of Finance, or other board, commission or agency of the State contemplating the making of any such investments shall make due and diligent inquiry as to: (a) Whether the bonds of such federal agencies are actually underwritten […]
Except as otherwise provided in NRS 355.140 and 355.150, the State Board of Finance, State Board of Education or other state agency shall proceed in the same manner as the law relating to each of them requires in the making of such investments, the purpose of NRS 355.140 and 355.150, being merely to designate the […]