A county treasurer may: 1. When one or more insured banks, insured credit unions, insured savings and loan associations or insured savings banks are located in the county, deposit county money in such insured banks, credit unions, savings and loan associations or savings banks in demand accounts. 2. When no such banks, credit unions, savings […]
1. A county treasurer may deposit county money in insured depository banks, insured credit unions, insured savings and loan associations or insured savings banks in time accounts only with the written consent of the board of county commissioners. 2. The time accounts so established are subject to the applicable contract between the depository and the […]
1. In addition to deposits authorized by NRS 356.120 and 356.125, a county treasurer may enter into an agreement to: (a) If one or more insured banks, insured credit unions, insured savings and loan associations or insured savings banks are located in the county, deposit county money in such insured banks, credit unions, savings and […]
Whenever the written consent of any bondsman or bondsmen to deposit the county money in any insured banks, credit unions, savings and loan associations or savings banks has not been obtained, the bondsman or bondsmen must, upon giving notice as required by law, be released from all responsibility on the bond of the county treasurer. […]
1. All money deposited by a county treasurer that is not within the limits of insurance provided by an instrumentality of the United States must be secured by collateral composed of the following types of securities: (a) United States treasury notes, bills, bonds or obligations as to which the full faith and credit of the […]
1. If an insured bank, insured credit union, insured savings and loan association or insured savings bank fails to pay a deposit, or any part thereof, on demand of the county treasurer, the county treasurer, with the written approval of the board of county commissioners, forthwith shall: (a) Advertise the securities for sale for not […]
1. Demand accounts authorized by NRS 356.120, time accounts authorized by NRS 356.125 and insured deposit accounts authorized by NRS 356.127 must be kept in the name of the county in such manner as the board of county commissioners may prescribe. 2. The balance in each such account, as certified to by the proper officer […]
All money deposited in an insured bank, insured credit union, insured savings and loan association or insured savings bank by the county treasurer may be drawn out by a check or order of the county treasurer at any time without previous notice, but no withdrawal of such a deposit may be made by the county […]
A warrant of the county auditor is a check or order of the county treasurer, and must be paid by the depository bank, credit union, savings and loan association or savings bank designated thereon, if the warrant is registered and countersigned, and the bank, credit union, savings and loan association or savings bank has been […]
The county treasurer shall keep a register that shows separately the amount of county money on deposit with every insured depository bank, credit union, savings and loan association or savings bank, and shall list separately each check or order drawn upon the respective depositories, numbering the checks or orders against each depository consecutively. [Part 1:80:1885; […]
If a warrant of the county auditor is presented to the county treasurer for payment, the warrant becomes a check or order of the county treasurer if the county treasurer endorses thereon the name of the insured depository bank, credit union, savings and loan association or savings bank, where payable, and a number, as provided […]
1. Where the county treasurer, in accordance with the terms and provisions of NRS 356.120 to 356.180, inclusive, has deposited and kept on deposit any public money in depositories so designated, he or she: (a) Is not liable personally on or upon his or her official bond for any public money that may be lost […]
1. With unanimous consent of his or her bondsmen, a county officer, other than a county treasurer, may deposit county money received by the office of the county officer in an insured bank, insured credit union, insured savings and loan association or insured savings bank located in the State of Nevada. 2. If the written […]