1. All money under the control of the State Treasurer belonging to the State must be deposited in any insured state or national banks, any insured credit unions, any insured savings and loan associations or any insured savings banks in this State or, if approved by the State Board of Finance, in any insured banks, […]
1. A state agency which opens an account in a bank, credit union, savings and loan association or savings bank must first obtain the approval of the State Board of Finance, except in cases where the account is specifically authorized by statute. 2. The titles of the accounts must indicate that the account is in […]
1. The State Treasurer shall establish the rate of interest to be paid on the maturity of each time certificate of deposit. 2. The State Treasurer shall make all such deposits through warrants of the State Controller. 3. The State Controller shall maintain accurate records of inactive deposits. Time certificates of deposit which are placed […]
1. All money deposited by the State Treasurer which is not within the limits of insurance provided by an instrumentality of the United States must be secured by collateral composed of the following types of securities: (a) United States treasury notes, bills, bonds or obligations as to which the full faith and credit of the […]
1. To be accepted as collateral for a deposit of money by the State Treasurer, first mortgages or first deeds of trust must be on real property which is located in this state and is used for residences of single families. 2. Each such first mortgage or first deed of trust must be accompanied by […]
1. If any insured banks, insured credit unions, insured savings and loan associations or insured savings banks fail to pay any deposit or deposits, or any part thereof, on demand of the State Treasurer, then the State Treasurer, with the written approval of the State Board of Finance, forthwith shall: (a) Advertise the securities for […]
At the close of business at the end of each month and at any other time, upon demand of the State Treasurer, every depository bank, credit union, savings and loan association or savings bank shall: 1. Furnish the State Treasurer with a statement of the account, verified or certified by an officer of the depository, […]
1. Where the State Treasurer, in accordance with the terms and provisions of NRS 356.010 to 356.110, inclusive, has deposited and kept on deposit any public money in depositories so designated, the State Treasurer is not liable personally or upon his or her official bond for any public money that may be lost by reason […]
1. Deposits are subject to withdrawal upon demand of the State Treasurer at any time without previous notice, but no withdrawal of such deposit or deposits, except by a State Controller’s warrant in the manner set forth in NRS 356.080, may be made by the State Treasurer without the written consent of the State Board […]
1. Whenever any warrant of the State Controller is presented to the State Treasurer for payment, the warrant becomes a check or order of the State Treasurer if the State Treasurer endorses thereon the name of the insured depository bank, insured credit union, insured savings and loan association or insured savings bank, where payable, and […]
Subject to the applicable contract with the depositary, the State Treasurer may call in money from inactive deposits, waiving interest thereon if required, and place it in active deposits when necessary to meet current requirements. (Added to NRS by 1959, 571)
The interest to be paid by a depository bank, credit union, savings and loan association or savings bank must be paid in accordance with the contract made with the State Treasurer and in an amount determined by the rates established pursuant to NRS 356.015 or by any Act of Congress. (Added to NRS by 1959, […]
1. Except as provided in subsections 2, 3 and 4 or in a specific statute, all interest paid on money belonging to this State must be deposited in the State General Fund. 2. Interest earned and received on any gift or bequest to an agency of the State must be credited to the agency unless […]
In consideration of no exchange or collection charges being made on checks or coupons of, or remittance to, the State, any insured banks, insured credit unions, insured savings and loan associations or insured savings banks at the state capital may be relieved by the State Treasurer, with the approval of the State Board of Finance, […]
The provisions of NRS 356.010 to 356.090, inclusive, do not require any depository to accept state deposits. (Added to NRS by 1959, 571; A 1979, 11; 2009, 2656)
A state officer or employee who willfully violates: 1. NRS 356.011 is guilty of a misdemeanor. 2. Any of the other provisions of NRS 356.010 to 356.090, inclusive, is guilty of malfeasance in office which is a category D felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130. [11:161:1935; A 1937, 365; 1931 NCL […]