1. There is hereby imposed an excise tax on each bank at the rate of $1,750 for each branch office maintained by the bank in this State in excess of one branch office maintained by the bank in each county in this State on the first day of each calendar quarter. 2. Each bank that […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 360.203, there is hereby imposed an excise tax on each employer at the rate of 2 percent of the wages, as defined in NRS 612.190, paid by the employer during a calendar quarter with respect to employment in connection with the business activities of the employer. 2. The […]
1. An employer may deduct from the total amount of wages reported and upon which the excise tax is imposed pursuant to NRS 363A.130 all wages paid by the employer to an employee during the first 4 full calendar quarters next following the hiring of the employee, and 50 percent of all wages paid by […]
1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, an employer may deduct from the total amount of wages reported and upon which the excise tax is imposed pursuant to NRS 363A.130 any amount authorized pursuant to this section that is paid by the employer for health insurance or a health benefit plan for its employees […]
1. An employer is entitled to a credit against the excise tax imposed on the employer pursuant to NRS 363A.130 if: (a) The employer makes a contribution to the Nevada Higher Education Prepaid Trust Fund created by NRS 353B.140 on behalf of a qualified beneficiary on whose behalf a prepaid tuition contract is drawn pursuant […]
1. Any taxpayer who is required to pay a tax pursuant to NRS 363A.130 may receive a credit against the tax otherwise due for any donation of money made by the taxpayer to a scholarship organization in the manner provided by this section. 2. To receive the credit authorized by subsection 1, a taxpayer who […]
Upon written application made before the date on which payment must be made, the Department may for good cause extend by 30 days the time within which a taxpayer is required to pay a tax imposed by this chapter. If the tax is paid during the period of extension, no penalty or late charge may […]