US Lawyer Database

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NRS 370.440 – Definitions.

As used in NRS 370.440 to 370.503, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Alternative nicotine product” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 370.008. 2. “Other tobacco product” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 370.0318. 3. “Retail dealer” means any person who is engaged in selling other tobacco products to ultimate […]

NRS 370.470 – Invoices for certain products required.

1. A wholesale dealer of other tobacco products must obtain from each manufacturer or wholesale dealer of other tobacco products from whom the wholesale dealer of other tobacco products purchases other tobacco products itemized invoices of all other tobacco products purchased from or delivered by the manufacturer or wholesale dealer of other tobacco products. The […]

NRS 370.480 – Records required of retail and wholesale dealers; period for retention.

1. Every wholesale dealer of other tobacco products must keep at its place of business complete and accurate records for that place of business, including copies of all invoices of other tobacco products which the wholesale dealer of other tobacco products holds, purchases and delivers, distributes or sells in this State. All records must be […]

NRS 370.490 – Allowance of credits.

1. The Department shall allow a credit of 30 percent of the wholesale price, less a discount of 0.25 percent for the services rendered in collecting the tax, for other tobacco products on which the tax has been paid pursuant to NRS 370.450 and that may no longer be sold. If the other tobacco products […]

NRS 370.500 – Remittance of tax; credit to State General Fund.

1. All amounts of tax required to be paid to the State pursuant to NRS 370.440 to 370.490, inclusive, must be paid to the Department in the form of remittances payable to the Department. 2. The Department shall deposit these payments with the State Treasurer for credit to the Account for the Tax on Products […]

NRS 370.503 – Allowance of refund for certain taxes paid.

1. Upon proof satisfactory to the Department and subject to the requirements of NRS 360.236, a refund must be allowed for the taxes paid pursuant to NRS 370.450 on other tobacco products that are sold to: (a) The United States Government for the purposes of the Army, Air Force, Navy or Marine Corps and are […]