1. A person who intends to locate or expand a data center in this State may, pursuant to NRS 360.754, apply to the Office of Economic Development for a partial abatement from the taxes imposed by this chapter on the gross receipts from the sale, and the storage, use or other consumption, of eligible machinery […]
1. A person who maintains a business or intends to locate a business in this State may, pursuant to NRS 360.750, apply to the Office of Economic Development for an abatement from the taxes imposed by this chapter on the gross receipts from the sale, and the storage, use or other consumption, of eligible machinery […]
1. A person who maintains a business or intends to locate a business in a historically underutilized business zone, as defined in 15 U.S.C. § 632, redevelopment area created pursuant to NRS 279.382 to 279.687, inclusive, area eligible for a community development block grant pursuant to 24 C.F.R. Part 570 or enterprise community established pursuant […]