1. The office of road inspector is hereby created. 2. Each board of county commissioners may appoint one road inspector for each road district now existing or which may hereafter be created in any county. Each road inspector shall hold office at the will of the board of county commissioners. [Part 1:21:1897; C § 468; […]
1. The office of road inspector shall be without compensation. No money shall be paid from public funds to defray any expenses incurred therein or thereby unless by order of the board of county commissioners there shall be especially prescribed a limit of compensation for the office in each road district. The order shall especially […]
The duties of the office of road inspector shall be: 1. To order, superintend, inspect and approve, if properly done, all work upon the public roads in the road district for which the road inspector may be appointed, as well as that to be done by road supervisors, if there are any, and that done […]
1. Compensation to others than a road inspector shall be not to exceed the current wage rate for a day’s work for the road district in which such work is performed, and not to exceed the current price for one person and a span of draft animals and the current price for each additional span. […]
A day’s work on the public roads shall consist of at least 8 hours’ actual labor, exclusive of the time spent in going to and returning from the work, and in no case shall pay be given for more than 1 day’s time between sunrise and sunset of the same day, to or for the […]