NRS 439B.200 – Creation; appointment of and restrictions on members; officers; terms of members; vacancies; annual reports.
Repealed. (See chapter 392, Statutes of Nevada 2021, at page 2538.)
Repealed. (See chapter 392, Statutes of Nevada 2021, at page 2538.)
Repealed. (See chapter 392, Statutes of Nevada 2021, at page 2538.)
The Committee may: 1. Review and evaluate the quality and effectiveness of programs for the prevention of illness. 2. Review and compare the costs of medical care among communities in Nevada with similar communities in other states. 3. Analyze the overall system of medical care in the State to determine ways to coordinate the providing […]
1. As used in this section, “licensing board” means any division or board empowered to adopt standards for the issuance or renewal of licenses, permits or certificates of registration pursuant to NRS 435.3305 to 435.339, inclusive, chapter 449, 625A, 630, 630A, 631, 632, 633, 634, 634A, 635, 636, 637, 637B, 639, 640, 640A, 640D, 641, […]
The Committee shall: 1. After each regular session of the Legislature, review any chapter added to this title or title 39 or 54 of NRS that authorizes or requires the issuance of a license, permit or certificate to a person who provides any service related to health care to determine if the person should be […]