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Home » US Law » 2022 Nevada Revised Statutes » TITLE 41—GAMING; HORSE RACING; SPORTING EVENTS » Chapter 463A - Gaming Employees’ Labor Organizations

NRS 463A.010 – Legislative findings and declaration.

The Legislature finds and declares that: 1. The relationship which exists between a labor organization and the employees whom it represents or seeks to represent in collective bargaining is such that it may significantly affect the conduct of a gaming operation by an employer. 2. In the past, attempts have been made by persons whose […]

NRS 463A.020 – Definitions.

As used in this chapter: 1. “Board” means the Nevada Gaming Control Board. 2. “Commission” means the Nevada Gaming Commission. 3. “Gaming casino employee” means any person employed directly or indirectly in the operation of a gaming establishment under a nonrestricted license, including: (a) All personnel involved in the operation of a casino gaming pit, […]

NRS 463A.040 – Grounds for disqualification of personnel of labor organization.

The Commission may individually disqualify any person from performing any one or more of the functions whose performance requires listing, if it finds that: 1. The person has been convicted in any jurisdiction of any crime involving moral turpitude or indicating a lack of business integrity or honesty, whether denominated a felony or misdemeanor. 2. […]

NRS 463A.070 – Notice of defense: Time for filing; contents.

Within 15 days after service upon the respondent of the notice, the respondent may file with the Commission a notice of defense in which the respondent may: 1. Request a hearing; 2. Admit the accusation in whole or in part; 3. Present new matter or explanations by way of defense; and 4. State any legal […]

NRS 463A.080 – Right to hearing; waiver.

The respondent is entitled to a hearing on the merits if the respondent files a notice of defense within the time allowed and any such notice shall be deemed a specific denial of all parts of the complaint not expressly admitted. Failure to file a notice of defense within the time allowed constitutes a waiver […]

NRS 463A.090 – Notice of hearing.

1. The Commission shall determine the time and place of the hearing as soon as is reasonably practical after receiving the respondent’s notice of defense. The Commission shall deliver or send a notice of hearing by registered or certified mail to all parties at least 10 days prior to the hearing. Unless the respondent consents, […]

NRS 463A.100 – Subpoenas; witness fees; depositions; affidavits.

1. Before a hearing before the Commission, and during a hearing upon reasonable cause shown, the Commission shall issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum at the request of a party. All witnesses appearing pursuant to subpoena, other than parties, officers or employees of the State of Nevada or any political subdivision thereof, are entitled to […]

NRS 463A.110 – Hearing: Procedures.

1. At least three members of the Commission shall be present at every hearing upon a recommended disqualification, and they shall exercise all powers relating to the conduct of the hearing and shall enforce all decisions with respect thereto. 2. The proceedings at the hearing shall be reported either stenographically or by a phonographic reporter. […]

NRS 463A.120 – Hearing: Official notice.

The Commission may take official notice of any generally accepted information or technical or scientific matter within the field of gaming, and of any other fact which may be judicially noticed by the courts of this state. The parties shall be informed of any information, matters or facts so noticed, and shall be given a […]

NRS 463A.140 – Hearing: Contempt.

If any person in proceedings before the Commission disobeys or resists any lawful order or refuses to respond to a subpoena, or refuses to take the oath or affirmation as a witness or thereafter refuses to be examined, or is guilty of misconduct during the hearing or so near the place thereof as to obstruct […]

NRS 463A.150 – Failure to file notice of defense or appear.

Failure of a respondent to file a notice of defense or to request or appear at the hearing constitutes an admission of all matters and facts contained in the complaint filed with respect to such respondent. In such cases the Commission may take action based upon such admission or upon any other evidence, including affidavits, […]

NRS 463A.160 – Disqualification: Written decision; notice.

If a person is disqualified after a hearing, the Commission shall prepare and file a written decision setting forth the reasons on which its order is based. Whenever a person is disqualified, the Commission shall in writing notify that person and the labor organization, stating what functions the person is disqualified from performing. (Added to […]

NRS 463A.170 – Rehearing.

The Commission may, upon motion therefor made within 10 days after service of a decision and order, order a rehearing before the Commission upon such terms and conditions as it may deem just and proper if a petition for judicial review of the decision and order has not been filed. Such motion shall not be […]

NRS 463A.180 – Judicial review: Petition; intervention; stay of enforcement.

1. Any person aggrieved by a final decision or order of the Commission made after hearing or rehearing by the Commission, whether or not a petition for rehearing was filed, may obtain a judicial review thereof in the district court of the county in which the petitioner resides or has its principal office. 2. The […]

NRS 463A.190 – Judicial review: Record on review.

1. Upon written request of petitioner and upon payment of such reasonable costs and fees as the Commission may prescribe, the complete record on review, or such parts thereof as are designated by the petitioner, shall be prepared by the Commission. 2. The complete record on review shall include copies of: (a) All notices and […]

NRS 463A.200 – Judicial review: Additional evidence taken by Commission.

The reviewing court may, upon motion therefor, order that additional evidence in the matter be taken by the Commission upon such terms and conditions as the court may deem just and proper. Such motion shall not be granted except upon a showing that the additional evidence is material and necessary and that sufficient reason existed […]