1. The Division shall make no regulation or order, or amendment thereof, except in an emergency, without a public hearing upon at least 10 days’ notice. The public hearing must be held at such time and place as may be prescribed by the Division, and any interested person is entitled to be heard. 2. Any […]
1. The Division may summon witnesses and require the production of records, books and documents for examination at any hearing or investigation conducted by it. No person may be excused from attending and testifying, or from producing books, papers and records before the Division or a court, or from obedience to the subpoena of the […]
Within 20 days after written notice of the entry of any order or decision of the Division, or such further time as the Division may grant for good cause shown, any person affected thereby may file with the Division an application for the rehearing in respect of any matter determined by the order or decision, […]