As used in this chapter: 1. “Animals” means: (a) All cattle or animals of the bovine species. (b) All horses, mules, burros and asses or animals of the equine species. (c) All swine or animals of the porcine species. (d) All sheep and goats. (e) Alternative livestock as defined in NRS 501.003. 2. “Department” means […]
1. Every owner of animals in this State may design and adopt a brand or brands, or brand and mark, or brands and marks, with which to brand or brand and mark his or her animals. 2. It shall be unlawful for any owner of such animals to brand or brand and mark, or cause […]
1. As used in this section, “open range” means all unenclosed lands outside of cities and towns upon which animals by custom, license, lease or permit are grazed or permitted to roam. 2. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, every owner of animals in this State, who permits his or her animals to graze […]
The Director may carry out the provisions of this chapter and, for that purpose, adopt such regulations not inconsistent therewith, and appoint such agents, under his or her direction, as the Director deems necessary therefor. All expenses in connection therewith must be paid from the Livestock Inspection Account, except as otherwise provided in this chapter. […]
1. Any owner of animals in this State desiring to adopt and use thereupon any brand, or brand and mark, or marks, as provided for in this chapter shall, before doing so, forward to the Department an application, on a form approved and provided by the Department for that purpose, for the recording of the […]
1. Only one brand may be awarded or recorded for each owner of animals, except that the owner or owners of separate and distinct livestock units may, under the provisions of this chapter and within the discretion of the Department, record one brand for use in connection with and for each such distinct and separate […]
1. Brands for cattle shall be recorded for use in only two of the following positions: (a) The hip on the right-hand side; (b) The hip on the left-hand side; (c) The shoulder on the right-hand side; (d) The shoulder on the left-hand side; (e) The rib cage on the right-hand side; or (f) The […]
1. Upon receipt of an application, as set forth in NRS 564.040, the Department shall cause the records of previously recorded brands, remaining of legal record, or not abandoned for more than 1 year as provided in NRS 564.120, to be searched and, if the brand applied for is recordable under the provisions of NRS […]
1. Upon the awarding of a brand or brands as provided in this chapter, the Department shall immediately proceed to record the brand or brands. 2. The recording must consist of the transcribing upon a suitable and permanent record, which is a public record and prima facie evidence of the facts contained in the record, […]
1. The owner of a brand or brand and mark or marks whose ownership is recorded by the Department pursuant to NRS 564.070 may apply to the Department to amend the record: (a) By changing his or her name as it appears in the record if: (1) The owner’s name is changed by court order […]
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the Department may establish and collect reasonable fees for: 1. The processing of applications for new brands or new brands and marks, regardless of whether the new brand or new brand and mark is awarded; 2. The recording of instruments transferring ownership of brands or brands and marks; […]
All certificates of recordation of brands or brands and marks furnished by the Department under the provisions of this chapter are prima facie evidence of the ownership of all animals of the kind or kinds and bearing the brand or brands and mark or marks specified and as set forth therein, and those certificates must […]
Certificates of rerecordation furnished to the legal owners of brands and marks pursuant to the provisions of section 4 of chapter 26, Statutes of Nevada 1923, shall have the legal status of brand certificates as set forth in NRS 564.090. [Part 4:26:1923; NCL § 3793]
1. Any brand or brand and mark or marks awarded and recorded and remaining of record in accordance with the terms of this chapter, including those transferred legally as provided in this section, are the property of the person to whom they stand of record as provided in this chapter and are subject to sale, […]
1. Upon the death of the owner of a brand or brand and mark or marks, the personal representative of the deceased owner, or any other person with the legal authority to act on behalf of the deceased owner, may execute any written instrument and perform any other act required by the Department to transfer […]
1. Any owner of a brand or brand and mark or marks of record under the provisions of this chapter, including brands or marks transferred pursuant to the provisions of NRS 564.110, desiring legally to continue the use of the brand or brand and mark or marks beyond the prescribed dates shall, within 60 days […]
1. The Department may compile and issue books, and supplements thereto, containing transcripts of part or all of its records of brands and marks, so arranged and indexed as to be suitable for use in identifying any brands or marks which may be found in this State on any animals, or the hides thereof, and […]
1. It is unlawful for the owner of any legally recorded brand, recorded under the provisions of this chapter, to use the brand on any position, on any animal, or in any area, other than that authorized in writing at the time the brand was recorded, or subsequent thereto, by the Department. The Department may, […]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter: 1. Is guilty of a misdemeanor, except that any person who violates the provisions of subsection 3 of NRS 564.140 is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. 2. In addition to any criminal penalty, shall pay to the Department an administrative fine of not more than […]