The Director of the State Department of Agriculture, as ex officio State Sealer of Consumer Equitability, shall enforce the provisions of this chapter. [Part 19:169:1945; 1943 NCL § 8335.19]—(NRS A 1959, 618; 1961, 561; 1993, 1773; 1999, 3715; 2003, 2319; 2013, 2472) The Director of the State Department of Agriculture, as ex officio State Sealer […]
1. The State Sealer of Consumer Equitability may: (a) Adopt regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter. (b) Ensure that those regulations comply, insofar as practicable, with the specifications, tolerances and regulations recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. (c) Adopt regulations for the submission for approval of types and […]
The State Sealer of Consumer Equitability may, if necessary for the enforcement of this chapter and any regulations adopted pursuant thereto: 1. Enter any commercial premises or cannabis establishment during normal business hours upon presenting his or her credentials. 2. Issue stop-use, hold and removal orders for any weights and measures commercially used or used […]
The State Sealer of Consumer Equitability may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for a restraining order, temporary or permanent injunction, restraining a person from violating any provision of this chapter or any regulation adopted pursuant thereto. (Added to NRS by 2003, 2319; A 2013, 2473) The State Sealer of Measurement Standards may apply […]
The State Sealer of Consumer Equitability shall: 1. Ensure that weights and measures used in commercial services and cannabis establishments within this state are suitable for their intended use, are properly installed and accurate, and are so maintained by their owner or user. 2. Prevent unfair or deceptive dealing by weight or measure in any […]
The State Sealer of Consumer Equitability shall: 1. Adopt regulations establishing such primary standards, secondary standards, field reference standards and transfer standards for weights and measures for use in this State as the State Sealer of Consumer Equitability determines appropriate. 2. Maintain traceability of the state standards to the national standards of the National Institute […]
The State Sealer of Consumer Equitability may establish: 1. A schedule of fees for any tests of weighing and measuring devices that the State Sealer of Consumer Equitability determines to be necessary. 2. An annual fee for the issuance of a certificate of registration pursuant to NRS 581.103. 3. An annual license fee for all […]