1. No person shall bring, expose or offer for sale, or sell within this state for human food any unsound, diseased or unwholesome poultry. 2. Any article that shall be offered or exhibited for sale, in any part of this state, in any market or elsewhere, as though it were intended for sale, shall be […]
1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to possess, with intent to sell: (a) The carcass or part of any carcass of any fowl which has died from any cause other than being slaughtered in a sanitary manner; (b) The carcass or part of any carcass of any fowl that shows […]
1. The State Quarantine Officer shall adopt regulations providing a process for the owner or operator of a farm or other facility that raises poultry to obtain a permit to slaughter and sell raw poultry to a consumer at the farm or other facility in this State. 2. The regulations adopted pursuant to subsection 1: […]