17-A:1 Office Established. – There shall be a director of legislative services, appointed as hereinafter provided, who shall have the following functions and duties: I. To draft bills for both houses of the general court and the individual members and incoming members thereof, both during sessions and while the general court is not in […]
17-A:2 Appointment. – The joint committee on legislative facilities shall appoint the director of legislative services and fix his salary. He shall hold office for a term of 2 years coterminous with the biennial legislative term. He shall be chosen without reference to party affiliation and solely on the ground of his fitness, qualifications […]
17-A:3 Office. – The director of legislative services shall maintain a permanent office in the state house or legislative office building where he shall be provided with suitable and sufficient offices convenient to the chambers of the house and senate and shall be in attendance upon all sessions of the general court. Said office […]
17-A:4 Assistants. – The director may, subject to the approval of the joint committee on legislative facilities, appoint and fix the compensation of such additional professional, technical, clerical or other employees necessary to perform his functions and duties under this chapter. He may, subject to like approval, designate one of said employees to be […]
17-A:5 Repealed by 1987, 225:6, I, eff. May 18, 1987. –
17-A:6 Gender Neutral Drafting. – I. It is the intent of the general court that the office of legislative services continue its efforts to draft all bills, resolutions and amendments using words that are neutral as to gender, to the extent practicable. II. In addition, the office of legislative services shall continue to study […]
17-A:7 Legislation Relating to Unclassified State Officers. – Legislation establishing a new, upgraded, or downgraded state unclassified officer position under RSA 94 shall to the extent practicable, be drafted by the office of legislative services without a recommended salary allocation. Changes to the salaries of unclassified officers listed in RSA 94:1-a, I shall be […]
17-A:8 Constitutional Amendments; Style and Form. – I. A new article or amended article of the constitution shall capitalize all proper nouns, phrases currently capitalized, and titles of all officers. II. The secretary of state, the clerks of the house of representatives and the senate, and the director of legislative services shall have the […]