[RSA 17-S:1 repealed by 2022, 18:2, effective December 31, 2027.] 17-S:1 Commission Established. – There is established the American Revolution sestercentennial commission, hereinafter referred to as the "commission." The purpose of the commission is to organize, arrange, and coordinate tributes to the American Revolution culminating with the signing of the Declaration of Independence and […]
[RSA 17-S:2 repealed by 2022, 18:2, effective December 31, 2027.] 17-S:2 Membership and Compensation. – I. The members of the commission shall be as follows: (a) Two members of the senate, appointed by the president of the senate, with at least one member being from the minority caucus and one member from the majority […]
[RSA 17-S:3 repealed by 2022, 18:2, effective December 31, 2027.] 17-S:3 Duties. – The commission shall: I. Lead New Hampshire’s planning efforts to commemorate the significance of the American Revolution and Declaration of Independence to our state and national history. II. Make recommendations outlining the most effective and appropriate means for the state of […]
[RSA 17-S:4 repealed by 2022, 18:2, effective December 31, 2027.] 17-S:4 Chairperson; Quorum. – The members of the commission shall elect a chairperson from among the members. The first meeting of the commission shall be called by the first-named house member. The first meeting of the commission shall be held within 45 days of […]
[RSA 17-S:5 repealed by 2022, 18:2, effective December 31, 2027.] 17-S:5 Report. – Beginning November 1, 2022, the commission shall submit an annual report summarizing its activities and findings and making recommendations for American Revolution commemorative activities to the president of the senate, the speaker of the house or representatives, the senate clerk, the […]
[RSA 17-S:6 repealed by 2022, 18:2, effective December 31, 2027.] 17-S:6 American Revolution Sestercentennial Trust Fund Established. – I. There is hereby established in the state treasury a nonlapsing fund to be known as the American Revolution sestercentennial trust fund which shall be kept separate and distinct from all other funds. All monetary gifts, […]