20:4 Bills and Resolutions. – The clerks of the senate and house of representatives may cause to be printed sufficient copies of every bill and joint resolution after its second reading, and shall make sufficient copies available to each member of those bodies as soon as printed. Thirty-five copies of each shall be delivered […]
20:5 Manual. – The secretary of state, under the direction of the governor and council, shall prepare and cause to be printed a manual for each session of the legislature which follows the November general election, containing such matter as may be useful to the members thereof, and shall determine the style, form, and […]
20:6 Agency Reports. – All agencies and institutions of the state shall submit their reports to the governor and council, who may limit the amount of matter to be published in each. The agencies and institutions shall cause their reports to be printed in such number as they think wise, and they shall cause […]
20:7 Issuance of Reports. – I. All agencies and departments of the state shall issue biennial reports summarizing their operations. All reports shall cover periods ending on June 30, and be posted to the state transparency website, with one paper copy submitted to the state library by October 1. Biennial reports shall cover periods […]
20:8 Special Reports. – The governor and council may cause to be printed such special reports of state officers and institutions as they deem expedient. Source. 1895, 32:2. 1903, 117:1. 1919, 3:7. PL 5:8. RL 10:8.
20:9 State and Provincial Records. – The secretary of state, with the approval of the governor and council, may from time to time collect, arrange, transcribe, and cause to be printed such portions of the early state and provincial records as he may deem expedient. He shall determine the style, form, and quantity to […]
20:9-a List of Counties. – In all publications of the state or any subdivision, branch, department or commission thereof, other than in statutes enacted by the general court, the counties of the state shall be listed in alphabetical order. Source. 1963, 19:1, eff. July 1, 1963.