[RSA 21-L:23 effective as provided in 2014, 290:4.] 21-L:23 Authorization. – I. The SIB is authorized to make loans or provide other financial assistance to private or public entities towards all or part of the cost of an eligible project relating to surface transportation. II. The SIB is authorized to provide bond or debt […]
21-L:3 Commissioner; Directors; Compensation. – I. The commissioner of the department shall be appointed by the governor, with the consent of the council, and shall serve a term of 4 years. The commissioner shall be qualified to hold that position by reason of education and experience. II. The commissioner shall nominate each division director […]
21-L:4 Duties of Commissioner. – In addition to the powers, duties, and functions otherwise vested by law in the commissioner of the department of transportation, he shall: I. Represent the public interest in the administration of the functions of the department and be responsible to the governor, the general court, and the public for […]
21-L:4-a Reports, Manuals, and Other Publications; Reimbursement Fees. – The commissioner of transportation is authorized to prepare, publish, and distribute reports, manuals, plans, specifications, charts, surveys, or other documents consistent with the responsibilities of the department. The commissioner may charge fees to reimburse the department for costs incurred in copying such documents, and for […]
21-L:5 Assistant Commissioner. – I. The commissioner of transportation shall nominate an assistant commissioner for appointment by the governor, with the consent of the council. The assistant commissioner shall serve a term of 4 years. The assistant commissioner shall be a registered professional engineer and shall be otherwise qualified to hold that position by […]
21-L:5-a Deputy Commissioner. – I. The commissioner of transportation shall nominate a deputy commissioner for appointment by the governor, with the consent of the council. The deputy commissioner shall serve a term of 4 years. The deputy commissioner shall be qualified to hold that position by reason of education and experience. II. The deputy […]
21-L:5-b Director of Policy and Administration. – I. There is established within the department a position of an unclassified director of policy and administration. The commissioner of transportation shall nominate a director of policy and administration for appointment by the governor, with consent of the council. The director shall serve a term of 4 […]
21-L:6 Division of Finance. – There is established within the department the division of finance, under the supervision of an unclassified director of finance, who shall, in accordance with applicable laws, be responsible for the following functions: I. Financial management systems. II. Bonding activities, including Garvee and turnpike bonds. III. Budget control. IV. Accounts […]
21-L:7 Division of Aeronautics, Rail, and Transit. – There is established within the department the division of aeronautics, rail, and transit, under the supervision of an unclassified director of aeronautics, rail, and transit, who shall be responsible for the following functions: I. Locating, constructing, and maintaining all air navigation facilities within the state which […]
21-L:8 Aviation Users Advisory Board. – I. There shall be an aviation users advisory board consisting of 7 members. All members, except the members set forth in subparagraphs (c), (d), and (g), shall hold a valid pilot’s certificate at the time of appointment. The members shall be appointed by the governor, with the consent […]
21-L:9 Division of Project Development. – There is established within the department the division of project development, under the supervision of an unclassified director of project development, who shall be a registered professional engineer and shall be responsible for the following functions, in accordance with applicable laws: I. Transportation engineering, including planning and design […]