US Lawyer Database

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Section 5:20 – Copies.

    5:20 Copies. – The secretary of state, whenever requested and paid for so doing, shall furnish copies of any of said records, and such copies, when certified by the secretary or his deputy and authenticated by the seal of the state, shall be evidence in like manner as the originals. Source. 1899, 63:3. PL […]

Section 5:21 – Fee.

    5:21 Fee. – The fee for furnishing copies of records as provided in the preceding section shall be $1 for each page of 240 words. Source. 1949, 265:13, eff. June 22, 1949.

Section 5:22 – Facsimile Signature.

    5:22 Facsimile Signature. – The secretary of state, the deputy secretary of state, or the designee of either may affix a facsimile signature to any record or certificate required or permitted to be issued by them. Source. 1977, 407:36, eff. Sept. 3, 1977.

Section 5:23 – Assistant Secretary of State; Office Supervisor.

    5:23 Assistant Secretary of State; Office Supervisor. – I. The secretary of state may appoint assistant secretaries of state within the limits of the appropriation made for the department of state who shall serve at the pleasure of the secretary of state. The salary of an assistant secretary of state shall be set by […]

Section 5:24 – Duties.

    5:24 Duties. – An assistant secretary of state shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him by the secretary of state. Source. 1977, 600:18, eff. Oct. 26, 1977.

Section 5:25 – Declaration of Policy.

    5:25 Declaration of Policy. – The legislature declares that a program for the efficient and economical management of state and local records will promote economy, efficiency, and integrity in the day-to-day record-keeping activities of the state government and will facilitate and expedite government operations. The legislature further declares that the interests of the state […]

Section 5:26 – Short Title.

    5:26 Short Title. – This subdivision shall be known as "Archives and Records Management Act." Source. 1987, 353:1. 2003, 97:2, eff. Aug. 5, 2003.

Section 5:27 – Division Established.

    5:27 Division Established. – There shall be a division of archives and records management in the department of state, under the executive direction of the state archivist. Source. 1987, 353:1. 2003, 97:2, eff. Aug. 5, 2003.

Section 5:28 – Appointment of Director.

    5:28 Appointment of Director. – The secretary of state, with the approval of governor and council, shall appoint the director of the division of archives and records management, who shall be known as the state archivist and who shall be an unclassified state employee. The director shall have a minimum of a master’s degree […]

Section 5:29 – Definitions.

    5:29 Definitions. – In this subdivision: I. "Agency" means any department, office, commission, board, or other unit, however designated, or the executive branch of state government. II. "Archives" means records having permanent or historical value. III. "Director" means the director of the division of archives and records management of the department of state. IV. […]

Section 5:3 – Clerks and Assistants.

    5:3 Clerks and Assistants. – Subject to the state personnel regulations, and within the limits of available appropriations and funds, the secretary of state may employ a chief clerk and such other clerks and assistants as may be necessary. If a subordinate classified employee’s salary exceeds the maximum salary for an unclassified supervisor, the […]

Section 5:30 – Duties of Director.

    5:30 Duties of Director. – The director shall, with due regard for the functions of the agencies concerned, and subject to the approval of the secretary of state: I. Establish standards, procedures, and techniques for effective management of state records. II. Make continuing surveys of paperwork operations and recommend improvements in current records management […]

Section 5:31 – Records Center; Rules.

    5:31 Records Center; Rules. – The director, subject to the supervision of the secretary of state, shall have charge of the records center. He shall, subject to the provisions of RSA 5:40, adopt rules governing: I. The organization of the records center. II. Transfer of records to the records center. III. The inventory of […]

Section 5:32 – Building and Facilities.

    5:32 Building and Facilities. – The state records and archives shall control all space in the state records and archives center. The department of administrative services, division of plant and property shall maintain the state records and archives center in suitable repair and condition for use by the division of archives and records management. […]

Section 5:33 – Agency Heads.

    5:33 Agency Heads. – The head of each agency shall: I. Establish and maintain an active, continuing program for the economical and efficient management of the records of the agency, consistent with the rules adopted by the director and under the director’s supervision. II. Make and maintain records containing adequate and proper documentation of […]

Section 5:34 – Construction of Subdivision.

    5:34 Construction of Subdivision. – Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to divest agency heads of the authority to determine the nature and form of the records required in the administration of their several departments, or to compel the removal of records deemed necessary by them in the performance of their statutory duties. […]

Section 5:35 – Local Records.

    5:35 Local Records. – The director shall accept for storage in the state archives such local records as the municipal records board established under RSA 33-A:4-a may require. Source. 1987, 353:1. 2006, 275:4, eff. June 15, 2006.

Section 5:35-a – Congressional Records.

    5:35-a Congressional Records. – The director shall accept for preservation and storage any papers or records donated to the state by a member of the New Hampshire congressional delegation from their service in the United States Senate or House of Representatives. Such records shall be placed in a New Hampshire depository selected by the […]

Section 5:35-b – Records of the Governor.

    5:35-b Records of the Governor. – Within one year of leaving office, the governor, in consultation with the director, shall donate a selection of official papers and records to the state. Such records shall be placed in a New Hampshire depository selected by the governor, with the approval of the director, and shall be […]

Section 5:36 – Assistance to Legislative and Judicial Branches.

    5:36 Assistance to Legislative and Judicial Branches. – Under the same provisions specified in RSA 5:33, the director shall assist and advise in the establishment of records management programs in the legislative and judicial branches of state government and shall, as required by them, provide program services similar to those available to the executive […]