6:13-a Fish and Game Fund. – When it is anticipated that there will not be sufficient fish and game funds in the treasury for the payment of obligations, the treasurer under the direction of the governor and council is authorized to borrow on the state’s credit for a period of not more than one […]
6:13-b Highway Fund. – When it is anticipated that there will not be sufficient highway funds in the treasury for the payment of obligations, the treasurer under the direction of the governor and council is authorized to borrow on the state’s credit for a period of not more than one year, at the lowest […]
6:13-c Repealed by 1988, 160:7, eff. April 22, 1988. –
[RSA 6:13-d is repealed by 2014, 17:5, III effective as provided by 2014, 17:6.] 6:13-d Authority to Borrow; Certain Transportation Projects. – I. The state treasurer, as may be requested from time to time by the commissioner of the department of transportation, is hereby authorized to borrow upon the credit of the state not […]
6:13-e Authority to Borrow; Certain Environmental Projects. – I. The state treasurer, as may be requested from time to time by the commissioner of the department of environmental services, is hereby authorized to borrow upon the credit of the state such sums as may be authorized by law from time to time to be […]
6:14 Exchange of Bonds. – The treasurer is authorized to issue registered bonds of $100 each, and multiples thereof, in exchange for coupon or other registered bonds of the state, respectively bearing the same rate of interest as the bonds received in exchange, and payable at the same time. If the payee of a […]
6:15 Repealed by 1983, 468:8, I, eff. June 30, 1983. –
6:16 Repealed by 2002, 254:5, IV, eff. July 1, 2002. –
6:17 Reports. – The state treasurer shall make an annual report showing the details of receipts and disbursements, together with the aggregate amount of funded debt of the state. It shall also show the details of receipts and disbursements of all trust funds and/or funds held by the treasurer as custodian. It shall contain […]
6:18 Treasurer Relieved of Certain Accounting Duties. – I. The state treasurer is hereby relieved of all duties in respect to the keeping of records and accounts and of rendering reports except such as are necessary to account for all moneys received, held in custody, invested, and disbursed by the office of the treasurer, […]
6:18-a Use of Facsimile Signature. – When endorsing the state’s guarantee on any bond or note issued by any political subdivision of the state, the state treasurer may cause such guarantee to be executed with an engraved or printed facsimile of the treasurer’s signature in lieu of a signature. Such facsimile shall have the […]
6:19 Repealed by 2008, 120:34, I, eff. Aug. 2, 2008. –
6:2 Salary. – The annual salary of the state treasurer shall be that prescribed by RSA 94:1-4. Source. RS 228:3. CS 244:3. GS 271:4. 1874, 68:1. GL 289:4. PS 286:5. 1901, 56:1. 1917, 220:2. 1919, 8:1. 1921, 118:1. PL 15:22. RL 22:22. 1953, 265:1, eff. July 1, 1953.
6:20 Commissioner During Vacancy in Office. – Upon the death, resignation, or removal of the treasurer, the governor, with the advice of the council, shall appoint some suitable person as commissioner, to take charge of the money, books, electronic records, and papers in the office, and to perform all the duties of treasurer until […]
6:21 Appointments; Removal; Duties. – I. The state treasurer shall appoint 2 deputies who shall hold office while the treasurer remains in office unless sooner removed. The treasurer may remove either deputy at pleasure, and the governor and council may remove either of the deputies for cause as they may remove the treasurer. A […]
6:22 Oath; Bond. – Before entering upon the duties of their offices, the deputy treasurers shall be sworn and shall be bonded in accordance with RSA 93-B in the amount of $40,000 each with sufficient sureties, conditioned on the faithful discharge of the duties of their offices. The bonds shall be filed and preserved […]
6:23 Repealed by 1999, 137:6, I, eff. June 21, 1999. –
6:24 Salaries. – The annual salary of the chief deputy state treasurer and deputy state treasurer shall be that prescribed by RSA 94:1-4 for deputy state treasurers. Source. 1891, 6:4. PS 286:7. 1909, 81:1, 2. 1917, 220:3. 1919, 117:2. 1921, 118:1. PL 15:23. 1927, 133:2. RL 22:23. 1953, 265:1. RSA 6:24. 1983, 419:11, eff. […]
6:24-a Repealed by 1959, 181:2, eff. July 9, 1959. –
6:25 Repealed by 1973, 144:6, II, eff. July 21, 1973. –