41:16-c Removal of Town Clerk. – The governing body may institute proceedings to remove a town clerk from office whenever, upon examination by the department of revenue administration, a certified public accountant, or a public accountant licensed by the state under RSA 309-A, the accounts are found to contain an irregularity or material error, […]
41:17 Clerk Pro Tem. – If the town clerk shall be absent from any town business meeting and there is no deputy clerk to act in his stead, the town shall choose by unofficial ballot by majority vote a town clerk pro tempore who shall be sworn and shall perform all the duties of […]
41:18 Deputy Town Clerk. – Each town may have a deputy town clerk who shall be qualified in the same manner as the town clerk and who shall perform all the duties of the town clerk in case of his or her absence by sickness, resignation, or otherwise subject to the provisions of RSA […]
41:19 Report to Commissioner of Revenue Administration. – Every town clerk, after the annual elections, shall report the names and post office addresses of each town officer required to be reported to the commissioner of revenue administration. The commissioner shall adopt rules under RSA 541-A stating the title of each town officer to be […]
41:2 Optional Officers. – In addition to the officers which towns are hereinafter required to elect at the annual meeting, any town may choose one or more collectors of taxes, agents, overseers of public welfare, constables, police chiefs or other police officers, and every other officer who may be directed by law to be […]
41:2-a Repealed by 1993, 68:5, I, eff. June 22, 1993. –
41:2-b Three-Year Term; Tax Collector. – I. At any annual town meeting under an article in the warrant, the voters may vote to determine if they are in favor of having a 3-year term for a tax collector. The governing body shall determine whether the vote will be by official ballot or by special […]
41:2-c Grant of Power. – Any town may, at any annual meeting under an article in the warrant for the meeting, elect a board of assessors of 3 members, by a majority vote of the legal voters present and voting at the meeting. Source. 1971, 375:1. 1973, 135:1, eff. July 13, 1973.
41:2-d Petition and Ballot. – Upon written petition of not less than 2 percent of the legal voters of any town, addressed and delivered to the selectmen not later than 35 days before any annual meeting, the following question, as requested in the application, shall be submitted to the voters at the meeting: "Are […]
41:2-e Public Hearing. – Whenever the selectmen of a town shall receive a petition under the provisions of RSA 41:2-d, they shall post notice of a public hearing to be held in said town, and printed in a newspaper of general circulation within said town, for a discussion of the proposed change in town […]
41:2-f Revocation. – A town which has voted to adopt the provisions of this chapter may rescind its action in the same manner, and the provisions of RSA 41:2-d of this chapter so far as applicable apply. The question "Are you in favor of eliminating the board of assessors as elected officers?" shall be […]
41:2-g Duties and Compensation. – The assessors, however elected, shall constitute a Board of Assessors for the town, who shall perform all the duties relative to taking the inventory and the appraisal of property for taxation, and in regard to the assessment and abatement of taxes and issuing warrants for the collection of the […]
41:2-h Warrants. – The selectmen shall forthwith deliver to the chairman of the elected board of assessors, all warrants for the assessment of state and county taxes which may be addressed to them, and all certified copies of the votes of school districts for raising district taxes which may be delivered to them; and […]
41:2-i Effective Date of Authority. – If a town votes to adopt the provisions of this subdivision, the change shall not take effect until the first annual town meeting following the meeting upon which the questions were acted upon. At the next annual meeting following the meeting where action was taken, the town shall […]
41:20 Reports on Public Libraries. – He shall, within 30 days after the annual town meeting, report to the assistant state librarian the name of any public library within the city or town; the names and post-office addresses of all the officers of each; the town, person or persons in whom the ownership of […]
41:21 Library Defined. – For the purposes of this chapter, every library regularly open to the public, or to some portion of the public, with or without limitations, shall be considered a public library, whether its ownership is vested in the town, in a corporation, in an organized association, or in individuals. Source. 1893, […]
41:22 Reports for State Library. – The chairmen of boards of selectmen, of school boards, village commissioners, and all other public officers of a town organization shall promptly supply the town clerk of their respective places of office with 2 copies of any report made by them and printed, and such city or town […]
41:23 Penalty for Failure to Make or Supply. – Any town clerk or other public officer, or the officer or owner of any public library, failing to comply with the foregoing provisions of this subdivision, shall be guilty of a violation. Source. 1893, 31:5. PL 47:9. RL 59:8. RSA 41:23. 1973, 531:11, eff. Oct. […]
41:24 Copies of Records. – The town clerk shall furnish, to any person requesting it and tendering pay therefor, an attested copy of any public record in his custody; and for neglect or refusal to do so he shall be guilty of a violation. Source. PS 43:46. PL 47:11. RL 59:9. RSA 41:24. 1973, […]
41:25 Fees. – I. Town clerks shall be entitled to a minimum fee of $2 for recording a bill of conditional sale, a personal property mortgage or for a copy of any public records in his or her custody except copies of vital statistics, for recording writs of attachment, discharging a mortgage on the […]