485-A:1 Declaration of Purpose. – The purpose of this chapter is to protect water supplies, to prevent pollution in the surface and groundwaters of the state and to prevent nuisances and potential health hazards. In exercising any and all powers conferred upon the department of environmental services under this chapter, the department shall be […]
485-A:10 Reclassification Procedure. – After adoption of a classification for any surface water or section of such water by the legislature, the department may, by its own motion, or upon the petition of not less than 100 persons, legal inhabitants of the county or counties in which the surface water in question is situated, […]
485-A:11 Public Waters Classified. – All lakes and ponds defined as public waters of the state by RSA 271:20 shall be classified by the passage of this section as not less than Class B, as set forth in RSA 485-A:8 relating to standards for classification of surface waters of the state. Source. 1989, 339:1. […]
485-A:12 Enforcement of Classification. – I. After adoption of a given classification for a stream, lake, pond, tidal water, or section of such water, the department shall enforce such classification by appropriate action in the courts of the state, and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to dispose of any sewage, […]
485-A:13 Water Discharge Permits. – I. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to discharge or dispose of any sewage or waste to the surface water or groundwater of the state without first obtaining a written permit from the department of environmental services. Applications for permits shall be made upon forms […]
485-A:13-a Groundwater Permit Fee. – Any person, except for state, and local governments, including counties, and political subdivisions, issued a groundwater permit under RSA 485-A:13, I(a) shall pay to the department a fee of $1,000 for the 5-year permit. Said fee shall be for processing such permits, including any necessary inspections and monitoring performed […]
485-A:14 Prohibited Acts. – I. The lawful owner of any petroleum-powered vehicle or petroleum container that becomes partially or completely submerged in the surface waters of the state shall remove the vehicle or container from the water within 48 hours or as soon thereafter as safety and weather conditions permit. Petroleum-powered vehicles include, but […]
485-A:15 Penalties. – I. It shall be unlawful for any person to put or place, or cause to be put or placed into a surface water of the state or on the ice over such waters, or on the banks of such waters, any solid waste as defined in RSA 149-M or hazardous waste […]
485-A:16 Emergency. – If the department finds that an emergency has arisen from failure of or casualty to facilities for the control of pollution, the department may, if it finds that the best interests of the public will not unduly suffer, authorize any person for a reasonable time to discharge sewage or other wastes […]
485-A:17 Terrain Alteration. – I. Any person proposing to dredge, excavate, place fill, mine, transport forest products or undertake construction in or on the border of the surface waters of the state, and any person proposing to significantly alter the characteristics of the terrain, in such a manner as to impede the natural runoff […]
485-A:18 Investigation and Inspection; Records. – I. Any authorized member or agent of the department may enter any land or establishment for the purpose of collecting information that may be necessary to the purposes of this chapter and no owner of such establishment shall refuse to admit any such member or employee. II. The […]
485-A:19 Review of Orders. – The procedure for rehearings and appeal shall be that prescribed by RSA 21-O:14. Source. 1989, 339:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1990.
485-A:2 Definitions. – I. " Developed waterfront " property means any parcel of land upon which stands a structure suitable for either seasonal or year-round human occupancy, where such parcel of land is contiguous to or within 200 feet of the reference line, as defined in RSA 483-B:4, XVII, of: (a) A fresh water […]
485-A:20 Summons; Oath. – The department shall have power to subpoena witnesses and administer oaths in any proceeding or examination instituted before or conducted by it, and to compel the production of any account books, contracts, records, documents, memoranda and papers of any kind necessary to the purposes of this chapter. Source. 1989, 339:1. […]
485-A:21 Witnesses; Perjury. – Witnesses summoned before the department shall be paid the same fee as witnesses summoned to appear before the superior court, and such summons issued by any justice of the peace shall have the same effects as though issued for appearance in court. No person so testifying shall be exempt from […]
485-A:22 Penalties and Other Relief; Failure to Provide Facility. – I. Any person who willfully or negligently violates any provision of this subdivision or RSA 485-A:4-6; or any rule of the department adopted pursuant to this subdivision or RSA 485-A:4-6 or any condition or limitation in a permit issued under this subdivision or RSA […]
485-A:22-a Cease and Desist Orders; Penalty. – The director of the division of forests and lands, department of natural and cultural resources, or his or her authorized agents, may: I. Issue a written cease and desist order against any timber operation in violation of this chapter. Any such violation may be enjoined by the […]
485-A:23 Repealed by 2019, 346:136, II, eff. Jan. 1, 2020. –
485-A:24 Repealed by 2019, 346:136, III, eff. Jan. 1, 2020. –
485-A:24-a Repealed by 2019, 346:136, IV, eff. Jan. 1, 2020. –