604:1 Capital Cases and First Degree Murder. – Every person indicted for an offense punishable by death or for murder in the first degree shall be entitled to a copy of the indictment before he is arraigned thereon; to a list of the witnesses to be used and of the jurors returned to serve […]
604:1-a Repealed by 2015, 249:16, XI, eff. Oct. 1, 2017. –
[RSA 604:1-b effective January 1, 2024.] 604:1-b Discovery in Criminal Matters. – After an accused person has been bound over to the superior court and prior to indictment, the accused person shall have the same rights to discovery and deposition as he or she has subsequent to indictment, provided that all judicial proceedings with […]
604:2, 604:3 Repealed by 1965, 296:4, eff. July 1, 1965. –