541-B:5 Disqualification of Board Member. – A board member may disqualify himself relative to any matter before the board or if the board votes that any member has or may have a conflict of interest in any matter before the board, that member shall be disqualified to sit as a board member on that […]
541-B:6 Removal. – The governor may at any time remove a board member for cause, including malfeasance, misfeasance, inefficiency in office or incapacity or unfitness to perform his duties. The attorney general or chief justice of the superior court may petition for such removal, setting forth the grounds and reasons therefor. No board member […]
541-B:7 Compensation. – Each non-legislative member shall not receive more than $65 and his reasonable expenses in each quarter; the legislative board members shall be entitled to legislative mileage only. Any interim board member appointed shall be compensated in like manner while serving on the board. Source. 1977, 595:2, eff. July 1, 1977.
541-B:8 Quorum. – A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum to conduct hearings and a vote of at least a majority of the quorum is required to adopt and approve any matter considered by it. Source. 1977, 595:2. 1978, 40:24. 1994, 158:5, eff. May 23, 1994.
541-B:9 Jurisdiction. – I. Claims under this chapter shall be brought solely in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. II. The board shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to investigate, conduct hearings and make decisions, and render or deny awards on all claims under this chapter not exceeding $5,000 against any agency, except […]
541-B:9-a Claims Filed Against the State and Its Agent. – When a claim filed pursuant to this chapter is against both the state and an agent, official or employee of the state, the court shall determine whether the state is responsible for the actions of the agent, employee or official. If the court determines […]