674:1 Duties of the Planning Board. – I. It shall be the duty of every planning board established under RSA 673:1 to prepare and amend from time to time a master plan to guide the development of the municipality. A master plan may include consideration of any areas outside the boundaries of the municipality […]
674:10 Establishment of Official Map. – After the planning board of any municipality has adopted a master plan which includes a major street plan, or has progressed in its master planning to the stage of the making and adoption of a major street plan, and has certified a copy of a major street plan […]
674:11 Amendments to Official Map. – The local legislative body is authorized and empowered, whenever and as often as it may deem it advisable or necessary for the public interest, to change or add to the official map of the municipality. Amendments may be made in order to establish the exterior lines of the […]
674:12 Refusal of Permit. – A municipality which has established and recorded an official map, as provided in RSA 674:10, may for the purpose of preserving the integrity of such official map provide by ordinance that, from and after the time of such recording, no permit shall be issued for any building or structure, […]
674:13 Appeals Where There is a Zoning Ordinance. – I. Any zoning ordinance adopted pursuant to RSA 674:16 shall provide that the board of adjustment created under a local zoning ordinance and having the power to make variances or exceptions in zoning regulations shall have the further power, in specific cases and by vote […]
674:14 Appeals Where no Zoning Ordinance Exists. – In any municipality, other than a town, in which there is no zoning board of adjustment, the local legislative body, until such time as a board of adjustment may be appointed as a result of the adoption of a zoning ordinance, shall have the same powers […]
674:15 Appeals; Public Hearing. – Before taking any action authorized in RSA 674:13, 674:14, and 674:41, the zoning board of adjustment, the legislative body, or the boards of appeal, according to whichever of them is designated by ordinance as the body to which appeals may be made, shall give a hearing at which parties […]
674:16 Grant of Power. – I. For the purpose of promoting the health, safety, or the general welfare of the community, the local legislative body of any city, town, or county in which there are located unincorporated towns or unorganized places is authorized to adopt or amend a zoning ordinance under the ordinance enactment […]
674:17 Purposes of Zoning Ordinances. – I. Every zoning ordinance shall be adopted in accordance with the requirements of RSA 674:18. Zoning ordinances shall be designed: (a) To lessen congestion in the streets; (b) To secure safety from fires, panic and other dangers; (c) To promote health and the general welfare; (d) To provide […]
674:18 Adoption of Zoning Ordinance. – The local legislative body may adopt a zoning ordinance under RSA 674:16 only after the planning board has adopted the mandatory sections of the master plan as described in RSA 674:2, I and II. Source. 1983, 447:1. 2002, 178:4, eff. July 14, 2002.
674:19 Applicability of Zoning Ordinance. – A zoning ordinance adopted under RSA 674:16 shall not apply to existing structures or to the existing use of any building. It shall apply to any alteration of a building for use for a purpose or in a manner which is substantially different from the use to which […]
674:2 Master Plan; Purpose and Description. – I. The purpose of the master plan is to set down as clearly and practically as possible the best and most appropriate future development of the area under the jurisdiction of the planning board, to aid the board in designing ordinances that result in preserving and enhancing […]
674:20 Districts. – In order to accomplish any or all of the purposes of a zoning ordinance enumerated under RSA 674:17, the local legislative body may divide the municipality into districts of a number, shape and area as may be deemed best suited to carry out the purposes of RSA 674:17. The local legislative […]
674:21 Innovative Land Use Controls. – I. Innovative land use controls may include, but are not limited to: (a) Timing incentives. (b) Phased development. (c) Intensity and use incentive. (d) Transfer of density and development rights. (e) Planned unit development. (f) Cluster development. (g) Impact zoning. (h) Performance standards. (i) Flexible and discretionary zoning. […]
674:21-a Development Restrictions Enforceable. – Any open space designation or other development restriction which is part of a cluster development, planned unit development, village plan alternative subdivision, or other proposal approved under innovative land use controls, or which is lawfully imposed by a local land use board as a condition of subdivision, site plan, […]
674:22 Growth Management; Timing of Development. – I. The local legislative body may further exercise the powers granted under this subdivision to regulate and control the timing of development. Any ordinance imposing such a control may be adopted only after preparation and adoption by the planning board of a master plan and a capital […]
674:23 Temporary Moratoria and Limitations on Building Permits and the Approval of Subdivisions and Site Plans. – I. Upon recommendation of the planning board, the local legislative body may adopt or amend an ordinance establishing a moratorium or limitation on the issuance of building permits or the granting of subdivision or site plan approval […]
674:24 Definitions. – When used in this subdivision the following terms shall have the meanings given to them in this section: I. "Frontage" means that portion of a lot bordering on a highway, street or right-of-way. II. "Lot" means a parcel of land at least sufficient in size to meet the minimum requirements for […]
674:25 Districting Under Interim Zoning Ordinance. – For the purpose of regulating the use of land and the location and construction of buildings, any town adopting the provisions of an interim zoning ordinance shall be considered as one district with the following regulations and restrictions: I. It shall be a district of residential agricultural […]
674:26 Agricultural Use Under Interim Zoning Ordinance. – "Agricultural use" shall mean land used for agriculture, farming, dairying, pasturage, apiculture, horticulture, floriculture, silviculture and animal and poultry husbandry. Any such uses are permitted under an interim zoning ordinance except as restricted below: I. The slaughtering of animals or poultry, except such as are raised […]