675:1 General Requirements. – I. The following shall be adopted under RSA 675:6: (a) Every master plan or amendment to a master plan proposed under RSA 674:1; (b) Subdivision regulations proposed under RSA 674:35; (c) Site plan review regulations proposed under RSA 674:44; and (d) Historic district regulations proposed under RSA 674:46-a. II. Zoning […]
675:2 Method of Enactment in Cities and Towns Operating Under Town Council Form of Government. – I. In cities or in towns operating under the town council form of government, and in counties in which there are located unincorporated towns or unorganized places, the local legislative body shall determine the manner in which a […]
675:3 Method of Enactment in Certain Towns and Village Districts. – I. Any town not operating under the town council form of government, or any village district which is specifically authorized by law to enact a zoning ordinance, shall establish and amend a zoning ordinance, historic district ordinance, or building code upon the affirmative […]
675:4 Method of Enactment by Petition. – I. Twenty-five or more voters may petition for an amendment to a zoning ordinance, historic district ordinance, or a building code. Petitioned amendments shall be voted only at the annual town or village district meeting. A petition to amend a zoning ordinance, historic district ordinance, or a […]
675:4-a Adoption of Emergency Temporary Zoning and Planning Ordinance in Certain Towns. – I. In any town which does not have a planning board, as provided by RSA 674, or a zoning ordinance, as provided in this subdivision, or in any town which has a planning board, but which does not have in effect […]
675:5 Zoning Ordinance Protest Petition. – I. Zoning regulations, restrictions and boundaries may from time to time be amended or repealed. I-a. A favorable vote of 2/3 of all the members of the legislative body present and voting shall be required to act upon any amendment or repeal in the case of a protest […]
675:6 Method of Adoption. – Every local master plan, subdivision regulation, site plan review regulation and historic district regulation referred to in this title shall be adopted or amended by the planning board or historic district commission, as appropriate, in the following manner: I. The board or commission, as appropriate, shall hold a public […]
675:7 Notice Requirements for Public Hearing. – I. (a) Notice shall be given for the time and place of each public hearing held under RSA 675:2-4 and RSA 675:6 at least 10 calendar days before the hearing. The notice required under this section shall not include the day notice is posted or the day […]
675:8 Filing of Zoning Ordinances, Historic District Ordinances, Building Codes, Subdivision Regulations, Site Plan Review Regulations, and Amendments. – All zoning ordinances, historic district ordinances, building codes, subdivision regulations, site plan review regulations, historic district regulations and their amendments shall be placed on file with the city, town, or village district clerk, or, in […]
675:9 Place for Filing Documents; Reporting of Adoptions or Amendments. – A copy of each master plan, zoning ordinance, historic district ordinance, capital improvement plan, building code, subdivision regulation, historic district regulation, site plan review regulation or amendment which is adopted by a municipality shall be placed in a central file with the office […]