103:19 Transfer Authorized. – Any permanent policeman who is a member of the state employees’ retirement system on July 1, 1957, and who is eligible for membership in the policemen’s retirement system, hereinbefore set forth, may elect within 3 months after said date to transfer his membership from the state employees’ retirement system to […]
103:2 Definition. – The words "permanent policeman" as used herein shall mean any person, male or female, who is a chief, deputy chief, marshal, deputy marshal, colonel, major, captain, lieutenant, sergeant, officer of other rank, inspector, chief clerk, clerk, radio dispatcher, radio engineer or operator, patrolman, trooper, detective, investigator, mechanic, electrician, laboratory worker or […]
103:20 Transfer of Reserves. – Upon transfer of membership of a permanent policeman from the state employees’ retirement system to the policemen’s retirement system under the provisions of this subdivision, in addition to the transfer of his accumulated contributions under the provisions of RSA 100:23, the reserve for benefits accrued under the state employees’ […]
103:21 Benefits. – Any provision of RSA 100:24 notwithstanding any permanent policeman whose membership has been transferred from the state employees’ retirement system to the policemen’s retirement system in accordance with the provisions of this subdivision shall thereafter be eligible for such benefits as are provided under this chapter, as hereinabove amended, as if […]
103:3 Board of Trustees. – The administration of the retirement system established by this chapter is hereby vested in the board of trustees established by RSA 100-A:14 and it shall have with respect to this system all the rights, powers, duties, restrictions, and immunities it has with respect to the retirement system established by […]
103:4 Membership. – Any permanent policeman in this state who prior to July 1, 1967 accepted the provisions of this chapter shall continue to be entitled to the benefits of this system thereafter, unless on or before November 30, 1967 or May 1, 1968 he files with the board of trustees, on a form […]
103:5 Duties of Retirement Board. – The board shall supervise the collection of assessments on all permanent policemen accepting the provisions hereof, and the payment of retirement benefits and other compensation under this chapter. To carry out the purposes hereof the board may make all manner of reasonable rules and regulations not inconsistent with […]
103:6 Individual Accounts. – The board shall establish and keep a record of the individual account of each permanent policeman accepting the provisions hereof. Each individual account shall state the policeman’s age, annual salary, length of service, date of acceptance of chapter, date of retirement, payments to the retirement fund, and the benefits or […]
103:7 Assessment on Salaries. – The retirement and other compensation provided for by this chapter shall be paid out of a retirement fund, which shall consist of all moneys collected from assessments or appropriations or gifts provided for herein. At the beginning of each fiscal year the board shall fix the applicable rate of […]
103:8 Additional Retirement Allowance. – In addition to the assessment made on the assessable part of any policeman’s annual salary as hereinbefore provided, and subject to the approval of the board and to such rules and regulations as the board may prescribe with respect thereto, any permanent policeman may provide for himself an additional […]
103:9 Contributions. – I. At the beginning of each year commencing on the first day of July the board of trustees shall certify to each employer other than the state the percentage rates of contribution due the system from each such employer, and shall assess upon each such employer such percentages of the earnable […]