110-B:27 Discharge of Enlisted Persons. – I. An enlisted person may be discharged from the national guard prior to the expiration of his term of enlistment under such conditions as may be prescribed by applicable laws of the United States and of this state and by regulations issued thereunder. II. An enlisted person discharged […]
110-B:28 National Guard Facilities. – I. All armories, arsenals, camps, ranges, bases, airports, and other facilities owned, leased, licensed, or maintained by the state or by the United States for the use of the New Hampshire national guard and all activities conducted therein shall be under the general charge, control of, and regulated by […]
110-B:28-a Rules for the Use of Force. – Use of force by personnel, to include state employees and contractor personnel while conducting security functions at National Guard facilities; and any employee and member of the New Hampshire National Guard, in a duty status, shall be in accordance with adjutant general issued guidance and procedures, […]
110-B:29 Use of Armories or Other National Guard Facilities. – All New Hampshire national guard facilities shall be primarily for the military duty, instruction, and training of the national and state guard and for the storage and maintenance of military property. Other use of national guard facilities may be authorized by the adjutant general […]
110-B:3 Registration and Draft of Unorganized Militia. – I. Whenever it shall be deemed necessary, the governor may direct the members of the unorganized militia to present themselves for and submit to registration at such time and place and in such manner as the governor may prescribe in regulations issued pursuant to this chapter. […]
110-B:30 Repealed by 2002, 248:12, I, eff. May 17, 2002. –
110-B:31 Repealed by 2002, 248:12, II, eff. May 17, 2002. –
110-B:32 Repealed by 2002, 248:12, III, eff. May 17, 2002. –
110-B:32-a New Hampshire National Guard Training Center Funds. – I. For the purpose of supporting morale and maintaining training abilities, 2 funds are created. Both funds shall be nonlapsing interest bearing funds. II. One fund shall be known as the chargeable transient quarters (QTC) and billeting fund. Revenue for this fund shall be non-appropriated […]
110-B:33 Issue of Military Property. – The adjutant general shall issue such military property as may be prescribed by regulations. Obsolete ordinance property belonging to the state may be issued by the adjutant general with the approval of the governor to municipalities and to educational, patriotic and charitable organizations under such conditions as may […]
110-B:34 Storage and Accountability for Property. – I. When not in use, all public property received by commanding officers and officers in charge shall be kept and stored in the armories or other military facilities provided for that purpose. II. Commanding officers and officers in charge shall render such reports with respect to such […]
110-B:35 Responsibility for Public Property. – I. Public property of the state and of the United States shall be issued, safeguarded, maintained, accounted for, inventoried, inspected, surveyed and disposed of as provided in applicable laws of the United States, regulations issued thereunder and regulations issued pursuant to this chapter. II. When public property is […]
110-B:36 Insurance. – The adjutant general is authorized to effect such insurance upon property of the United States, in the hands of the state for the use of the national guard, as may be deemed advisable. The governor, with the advice and consent of the council, is authorized to draw a warrant upon any […]
110-B:37 Pay and Allowances. – I. For each calendar day’s service when ordered into the active service of the state, each commissioned officer, warrant officer, non-commissioned officer and enlisted person of the national guard shall be paid at the same rate of pay and allowances as that designated in the pay tables of the […]
110-B:37-a State Active Duty Death Benefit. – There is established a death benefit in the amount of $100,000 for each activated New Hampshire army national guard or New Hampshire air national guard member who dies while on state active duty or as the result of injuries incurred on state active duty. This death benefit […]
110-B:38 Uniform Allowance for Officers. – I. Every commissioned officer and warrant officer of the national guard shall provide himself with a complete uniform. II. Every officer and warrant officer so uniformed and in the service on June 1 each year shall then be paid by the adjutant general $25 from the appropriation made […]
110-B:39 Military Discipline. – The system of discipline of the national guard shall conform generally to that of the armed forces of the United States, and all personnel on duty or in active state service shall be subject to the punitive and disciplinary provisions of this chapter. Trial and punishment by civil authorities shall […]
110-B:4 Notice of Draft; Order. – I. Notice of the draft shall be by proclamation or otherwise, as the governor shall deem proper; and the selection of draft classes for ablebodied persons 18 years of age or older shall be by lot, all in conformity with such regulations as the governor shall promulgate. II. […]
110-B:40 Nonjudicial Punishment. – Under such regulations as the adjutant general may prescribe, the commanding officer of any detachment, company, or higher command may, for minor offenses, impose disciplinary punishment upon officers, warrant officers, and enlisted personnel of the command without intervention of a court-martial. " Minor offenses " mean acts or omissions that […]
110-B:41 Military Offenses. – The delinquencies defined in the Uniform Code of Military Justice of the United States are hereby declared to be military offenses for which an offender will be punished according to law as a court-martial may direct within the limitations imposed upon courts-martial of the national guard by the laws of […]