154:1 Organization. – I. All town and city fire departments, and fire departments of village districts or precincts organized pursuant to RSA 52:1, I(a), shall be organized according to one of the following forms, chosen by vote of the local legislative body: (a) A fire chief appointed by the local governing body, or by […]
154:1-a Finances and Property. – In municipal fire departments organized under RSA 154:1, all fire department real estate or equipment purchased with funds appropriated by the municipality shall be the property of the municipality. Except in the case of properly established capital reserve funds or trusts, all municipal funds appropriated for fire department purposes […]
154:1-b Firefighter Associations. – RSA 154:1 and RSA 154:1-a shall not be construed to preclude the formation of social or fraternal associations of firefighters of municipal fire departments, nor preclude such associations from adopting bylaws or conducting fund-raising activities for the benefit of a municipal fire department, provided, however, that: I. There shall be […]
154:1-bb Municipal Financing; Fire Departments. – The legislative body of a municipality may vote to choose a form of financing and property ownership different than those in RSA 154:1-a and RSA 154:1-b. Source. 1994, 389:6, eff. Aug. 8, 1994.
154:1-c Private Firefighting Units. – I. Any fire company not organized according to RSA 154:1 shall be deemed to be a private firefighting unit. II. No municipality or other political subdivision shall contract with any private firefighting unit, or furnish financial support, property or equipment to such unit, unless such unit has been certified […]
154:1-d Fire Department Liability; Public Duty Rule; Status of Firefighters. – I. Firefighting and other emergency service provided by a fire department shall not, in itself, be deemed to be the making of a promise, or the undertaking of a special duty, towards any person for such services, or any particular level of, or […]
154:10 Repealed by 1975, 443:16, eff. June 20, 1975. –
154:11 Damages. – The selectmen, aldermen or council, on application, shall appraise the damage done to any building or thing by order of the firewards, engineers, or fire officer-in-charge and may assess a tax for the payment therefor, and may make compensation to the owner, unless it shall appear that the fire began in […]
154:12 Petition to Court. – Upon the refusal of the selectmen, aldermen or council, or upon their neglect for 3 months after the application to appraise the damage and assess such tax, the party injured may petition the superior court for redress; and the court, after due notice to the town, shall ascertain the […]
154:13 Right of Way; Penalty. – The officers and employees of the fire department of any city or town, with the engines and apparatus thereof, shall have the right of way while going to a fire or responding to an alarm through any street, lane, or alley in said city or town, subject to […]
154:14 Street Fires, Etc. – Every fireward, engineer, fire chief or designated officer shall cause any fire deemed by such individual to be dangerous, in any street or elsewhere, to be extinguished or removed. Source. RS 111:4. CS 114:5. GS 96:10. GL 106:10. PS 115:13. PL 146:14. RL 175:14. RSA 154:14. 1975, 443:11. 1998, […]
154:15 Compensation, Etc., of Chief; Expenses. – The chief fireward or fire chief shall be paid for services such compensation as the council, aldermen or town meeting shall think reasonable; and the bills for the operation of the fire department, including but not limited to costs of apparatus and equipment, shall be approved or […]
154:16 Pay of Firefighters. – The firefighter shall be paid for their services such compensation as the council, aldermen or town meeting shall think reasonable. Source. CS 114:26, 27. GS 96:15. 1875, 32:1. GL 106:15. PS 115:19. PL 146:16. RL 175:16. RSA 154:16. 1975, 443:15, eff. June 20, 1975.
154:17 Where Statute Applicable. – If in any town, village district, precinct, city or area, apparatus for the extinguishment of fires is provided at the public expense, RSA 154:1 through 16 shall apply and firewards or fire engineers shall be duly elected or appointed. But the bylaws now in force in any town relating […]
154:18 Establishment by the Firewards or Fire Chiefs. – The fireward, engineer or fire chief may establish such regulations respecting the kindling, guarding, safe-keeping, prevention, and extinguishment of fires, and for the removal of combustibles from any building or place, as such individual shall think expedient, which shall be signed by such individual and […]
154:19 Establishment by Selectmen. – In any town which does not have firewards or engineers the selectmen shall have the authority to establish regulations relative to fire hazards, as is provided in RSA 154:18. Said regulations shall be recorded and posted as therein provided. Source. 1943, 104:2, eff. April 7, 1943.
154:2 Powers. – I. Except as provided in RSA 227-L and this chapter, the firewards, fire engineers, and fire chiefs shall have the authority and the control of all firefighters and officers and all fire apparatus and other equipment designed or used for the extinguishment of fire or the control of other emergencies in […]
154:20 Notice to Repair. – If any building is deemed by the firewards or engineers to be dangerous to the property of others, by reason of decay, want of repair or otherwise, they may give written notice to the owner, the same to be served personally or by registered mail, to repair or alter […]
154:21 Neglect; Penalty. – If the repairs or alterations are not made within 5 days after notice as provided in RSA 154:20, unless upon application to the firewards or engineers an extension has been granted for reasonable cause, the owner or occupant so notified shall be guilty of a violation for each day’s neglect, […]
154:21-a Ordering Building Vacated. – I. The fire chief or designee or state or local fire marshal or designee shall have the authority to order occupants to vacate a building, structure, or other premises if the chief or state or local fire marshal or designee determines, based on reasonable information and belief, that the […]