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Home » US Law » 2022 New Hampshire Revised Statutes » Title XII - Public Safety and Welfare » Title 154 - Firewards, Firefighters, and Fire Hazards

Section 154:22 – Provision of Ladders and Buckets.

    154:22 Provision of Ladders and Buckets. – Every town may, by vote or bylaw, provide that any buildings or structures in the town, or in a definite part thereof, shall be provided with such ladders and buckets as may be deemed necessary for use in case of fire. Source. RS 111:11. CS 114:12. GS […]

Section 154:23 – Payment of Penalty.

    154:23 Payment of Penalty. – Any penalty resulting from a violation of this subdivision shall be paid by the owner, if known and resident in the town, otherwise by the occupant; and any tenant who may be compelled to pay the penalty may deduct and retain the amount thereof, and of the costs, from […]

Section 154:24 – Outside Service by Local Fire Department.

    154:24 Outside Service by Local Fire Department. – Any city, town, village or fire district may authorize their respective fire department to go to the aid of another city, town, village or fire district within or without the state, for the purpose of extinguishing a fire, rendering other emergency assistance, or performing any detail […]

Section 154:25 – Rights, Privileges, Immunities.

    154:25 Rights, Privileges, Immunities. – While in the performance of their duties in extending such aid, firefighters shall be subject to the control and direction of the chief fire official of the municipality within which the fire or other emergency occurs, and they shall have the same immunities and privileges as if performing the […]

Section 154:26 – Loss or Damage.

    154:26 Loss or Damage. – Any expenses incurred by any fire department, in rendering such aid outside the limits of its jurisdiction as provided hereunder, including loss or damage to equipment may be charged to the city, town, village or fire district whose officials requested such aid. Source. 1949, 267:1, eff. June 22, 1949.

Section 154:27 – Donation of Services.

    154:27 Donation of Services. – Nothing contained herein shall be construed to prohibit any city, town, village or fire district extending such aid from donating their equipment and services and assuming the damage or loss to their equipment. Source. 1949, 267:1, eff. June 22, 1949.

Section 154:28 – Conditions and Restrictions.

    154:28 Conditions and Restrictions. – The fire department may extend such aid outside the district, under this subdivision, subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be prescribed. Source. 1949, 267:1. RSA 154:28. 1992, 154:17, eff. July 5, 1992.

Section 154:29 – Compensation.

    154:29 Compensation. – Any city, town, village or fire district aided under and in accordance with RSA 154:24-28 may compensate any city, town, village or fire district rendering aid to (a) employees for compensation during the time in which the rendering of their services prevented them from performing their regular duties at their place […]

Section 154:30 – Duties of the State Fire Marshal.

    154:30 Duties of the State Fire Marshal. – At the request of any chief of an organized fire department within the state, the fire marshal shall provide help and assistance in coordinating the services of fire departments giving the mutual aid in the extinguishment of fires and other emergencies. Source. 1949, 267:1. RSA 154:30. […]

Section 154:30-a – Formation.

    154:30-a Formation. – I. Whenever 10 or more municipalities within the state shall have voted to authorize their respective fire departments to render outside aid as provided in RSA 154:24-30, they may, if they so desire, form a district fire mutual aid system, which shall be a public municipal corporation. They may petition the […]

Section 154:30-b – Organization.

    154:30-b Organization. – I. Upon receipt of a petition under RSA 154:30-a, I, the state fire marshal shall call the first or organizational meeting of the system. Upon receipt of a petition under RSA 154:30-a, II, the state fire marshal may call such a meeting. The state fire marshal shall give written notice to […]

Section 154:30-c – Powers and Duties.

    154:30-c Powers and Duties. – I. A district fire mutual aid system shall coordinate the services of all municipalities and fire departments belonging to it so as to provide better and more efficient cooperation in the protection of life and property within the area which it comprises and toward this end shall cooperate with […]

Section 154:30-d – Joining and Withdrawal.

    154:30-d Joining and Withdrawal. – Additional municipalities within or outside the state may join the system, as provided in RSA 154:30-a through RSA 154:30-h, and shall be received as members subject to the approval of the board of directors. Municipalities which do not have active fire departments may be admitted as members upon such […]

Section 154:30-e – Limitation of Liability.

    154:30-e Limitation of Liability. – There shall be no liability imposed by law on the system or on any municipality, on the personnel of its fire department, nor on any private fire department or its personnel, belonging to such a system, for failure to respond or to respond reasonably for the purpose of extinguishing […]

Section 154:30-f – Appropriations.

    154:30-f Appropriations. – Municipalities belonging to such a system may raise and appropriate money for the purpose of the system. Counties in which a system is established may raise and appropriate money for the purposes of the system; provided however that where all the municipalities in the county do not belong to the system, […]

Section 154:30-g – Definition.

    154:30-g Definition. – The term "private fire department" as used in this subdivision shall include fire organizations operated by industries and establishments for self-protection and also nonprofit volunteer fire associations. Nothing contained in this subdivision shall be construed to interfere with the exclusive jurisdiction vested by law in the director, division of forests and […]

Section 154:30-h – Gifts.

    154:30-h Gifts. – A district fire mutual aid system may receive, hold and use gifts, bequests and devises, either outright or in trust, for purposes consistent with this subdivision. Source. 1959, 198:2, eff. Sept. 20, 1959.

Section 154:31 – Appropriations.

    154:31 Appropriations. – Any town at a legal meeting, or city by its city council, may appropriate money for the relief of any member of the fire department of such town or city who shall become disabled by accident in the discharge of such fire department member’s duty. Source. 1897, 52:1. PL 146:29. RL […]

Section 154:32 – Relief for Permanently Disabled Firefighters.

    154:32 Relief for Permanently Disabled Firefighters. – In case any member of the fire department shall, by accident as set forth in RSA 154:31, become permanently disabled, the town or city may grant the fire department member relief. Source. 1897, 52:2. PL 146:30. RL 175:30. RSA 154:32. 1992, 154:25. 1998, 318:32, eff. Aug. 25, […]