162-S:1 Declaration of Policy. – It is declared that the policy of the state of New Hampshire is to promote itself as an effective location for private enterprise, and therefore the policy of the state of New Hampshire is to provide for the establishment, support, preservation, and redevelopment of business and industry, whether or […]
162-S:10 Limitations. – I. To the extent required by section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or by any applicable successor provision of federal tax law, the authority may not issue bonds to finance a project in any state or territory of the United States unless the governor, or his […]
162-S:11 State Pledge. – The state does hereby pledge to and agree with the holders of bonds issued under this chapter that the state shall not limit or alter the rights hereby vested in the authority to fulfill the terms of any agreements made with the holders of such bonds or in any way […]
162-S:12 Selection of Authority Bond Program Administrator. – After the initial designated members have been appointed pursuant to RSA 162-S:3, II, the business finance authority may select a qualified firm to assist in the carrying out of the powers of the authority and the administration of the business of the authority conferred by this […]
162-S:13 Rulemaking. – I. The authority shall be exempt from the rules of any department, commission, board, bureau, or agency of the state except as otherwise provided in this chapter. II. The authority shall be exempt from the provisions of RSA 541-A and may adopt rules in accordance with its own procedures to facilitate, […]
162-S:2 Definitions. – Unless the context otherwise clearly requires, in this chapter: I. " Authority " or " national finance authority " means the business finance authority acting pursuant to this chapter and operating under the name "national finance authority." II. " Business finance authority " means the New Hampshire business finance authority created […]
162-S:3 Establishment of the Authority; Membership; Meetings; Reporting. – I. The national finance authority is hereby established within and as a component unit of the business finance authority for the purpose of exercising the powers, duties, and responsibilities conferred by this chapter. While acting pursuant to this chapter, the business finance authority shall operate […]
162-S:4 Powers of the Authority. – Subject to the powers of the business finance authority established under RSA 162-S:3, V to establish rules, requirements, and procedures, the authority shall have all of the powers necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter. In addition to all other powers conferred […]
162-S:5 Issuance of Bonds; Exemption from Taxation. – I. The authority shall not issue bonds unless the issuance thereof shall have first been authorized by a bond resolution approved by the authority. Bonds issued pursuant to this chapter shall be designated and captioned as bonds of the national finance authority. Bonds may be issued […]
162-S:6 Sale of Bonds. – I. The sale of bonds under this section shall be conducted as provided in the resolution therefor or as directed by the person or persons to whom a delegation of authority has been made pursuant to RSA 162-S:5, II. II. A sale of bonds may be public or private, […]
162-S:7 Bond Security. – I. The authority may secure bonds by a trust agreement or indenture or other agreement by and between the authority and one or more corporate trustees. Such trust agreement, indenture, or other agreement may contain provisions for pledging properties, revenues, and other collateral; holding and disbursing funds; protecting and enforcing […]
162-S:8 No Personal Liability. – No designated member, director, officer, employee, or agent of the authority, the business finance authority, or a business entity created under RSA 162-S:4, III shall be liable personally on the bonds or any contract entered into by the authority or such business entity or subject to any personal liability […]
162-S:9 Bonds not Public Debt. – I. Unless otherwise expressly provided in the resolution therefor, bonds of the authority shall be limited obligations of the authority payable solely from amounts received by or on behalf of the authority from revenues derived from the project to be financed or refinanced thereby, or from any contract […]