Section 184:1 – to 184:10 Repealed by 1969, 15:1, eff. April 22, 1969.
184:1 to 184:10 Repealed by 1969, 15:1, eff. April 22, 1969. –
184:1 to 184:10 Repealed by 1969, 15:1, eff. April 22, 1969. –
184:100 Repealed by 1967, 265:5, eff. Aug. 26, 1967. –
184:101 Authority to Embargo and Condemn. – Any article found in violation of this subdivision may be subject to embargo and condemnation in accord with the provisions of RSA 146:20. Source. 1963, 289:1, eff. July 1, 1963.
184:102 Injunctions. – In addition to the provisions of RSA 184:101, the superior court, upon complaint of the commissioner or the attorney general, shall have jurisdiction to restrain and enjoin any act forbidden or declared illegal by this chapter. Source. 1963, 289:1. 1978, 40:15. 1995, 310:183, eff. Nov. 1, 1995. 2018, 323:21, eff. June […]
184:103 Standards of Identity. – The milk sanitation board may promulgate regulations setting forth definitions and standards of identity for milk and milk products. When promulgating such regulations the board shall not be inconsistent with those standards of identity for milk and milk products established by existing laws or those promulgated under the federal […]
184:104 Repealed by 2018, 323:23, XLIII, eff. June 25, 2018. –
184:105 Administrative Fines. – The commissioner, after notice and the opportunity for a hearing, may impose an administrative fine not to exceed $2,000 for each offense upon any person who violates any provision of this chapter or rules adopted under this chapter. Each day that the offense remains uncorrected shall constitute a separate offense […]
184:106 Definitions. – In this subdivision: I. " Commissioner " means the commissioner of the department of agriculture, markets, and foods. II. " Department " means the department of agriculture, markets, and foods. III. " Federal promotion deduction " means the administrative assessment and marketing service deduction assessed in accordance with 7 C.F.R. part […]
184:107 Program. – I. The dairy premium program is established to provide payments to milk producers who ship milk in the state of New Hampshire regardless of the destination of such milk. II. Participation by milk processors in the dairy premium program is voluntary. III. All milk products sold as dairy premium program milk […]
184:108 Authority; Rulemaking. – I. The commissioner shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to: (a) Verification of the volume of milk produced and net sales of premium milk through audits. (b) A process to fund the cost of further segregation of New Hampshire milk from the dairy premium fund, if necessary. (c) […]
184:109 Dairy Premium Fund. – There is established a dairy premium fund which shall be administered by the commissioner. The commissioner shall deposit into the fund any appropriations from the program made to the department from the general fund to be used consistent with the definitions and provisions of this subdivision, to distribute a […]
184:11 to 184:15 Repealed by 1969, 15:2, eff. April 22, 1969. –
184:110 Dairy Premium Fund Board Established; Membership. – I. The dairy premium fund board is established and shall be comprised of the following members: (a) The commissioner of the department of agriculture, markets, and food. (b) The executive director of Granite State Dairy Promotion. (c) Two members from dairy cooperatives, appointed by the governor. […]
184:111 Mislabeling of Milk; Prohibition and Penalties. – I. The labeling of milk that does not meet the requirements of RSA 184:79, XXII through XXII-c as "fresh," "New Hampshire fresh," or "northeastern fresh" is prohibited. II. The knowingly and falsely labeling of milk as participating in the dairy premium program is prohibited. III. Any […]
184:112 Definitions. – In this subdivision: I. " Department " means the department of agriculture, markets, and food. II. " Forages " means hay, haylage, silage, and pasture. III. " Homegrown feed " means forages and grain, or a composite in any combination grown on land owned or leased by the producer. IV. " […]
184:113 Implementation. – I. In order to qualify for the New Hampshire dairy producer drought relief program, a producer shall complete and submit an application in which the department shall be provided proof of homegrown feed loss due to drought along with records of milk production for the 2016 calendar year. II. The department […]
184:114 Calculation of Payment. – I. The homegrown cost of feed shall be $6.10 per hundredweight of milk produced. II. To arrive at the amount to be paid to the producer, the cost of feed in paragraph I shall be multiplied by the percentage of homegrown feed loss in 2016 over either the year […]
184:16 to 184:19 Repealed by 1961, 138:3, eff. Sept. 1, 1961. –
184:20 to 184:23 Repealed by 1959, 141:6, eff. Aug. 8, 1959. –
184:24 to 184:27-a Repealed by 1961, 138:2, eff. Sept. 1, 1961. –