227-D:1 Declaration of Policy and Purpose. – The general court declares that Mount Monadnock located in the towns of Dublin, Jaffrey, and Marlborough, Gap Mountain in Troy, and Little Monadnock Mountain in Fitzwilliam constitute a unique geographical attraction which brings thousands of visitors to the state each year and requires supervision and planning by […]
227-D:2 Agreements for Management and Supervision of Land. – The department of natural and cultural resources is hereby authorized and directed to negotiate agreements with the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, the towns involved, and others, by which such lands shall be managed and supervised by department personnel. Such agreements shall […]
227-D:3 Tax Exemption. – The land presently owned by the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests on Gap mountain in Troy shall hereafter be exempt from local property taxes normally imposed by the town of Troy so long as the Society and the state of New Hampshire as lessee of the Society […]
227-D:4 Advisory Commission. – There is established a Monadnock advisory commission which shall recommend policies affecting the recreational use of Mount Monadnock and Gap Mountain. Such commission shall consist of 2 members from each town of Dublin, Jaffrey, Marlborough, Fitzwilliam, and Troy, the director of the division of parks and recreation, the director of […]
227-D:5 Powers of the Commission. – The Monadnock advisory commission shall: I. Guide the department of natural and cultural resources planning efforts to ensure that the growing popularity of Mount Monadnock not be allowed to compromise the integrity of this national natural landmark and its visitors’ experiences. II. Assist the department in the formulation […]
227-D:5-a Acceptance of Gifts. – The commission may accept any gifts, donations, or grants from any source whatsoever, provided said gifts, donations, or grants so received shall be used exclusively to further the purposes of this chapter. Source. 1999, 8:1, eff. June 4, 1999.
227-D:5-b District Legal Existence. – In order to establish the tax exempt status of the Monadnock advisory commission established under this chapter, such advisory commission is deemed to be a governmental instrumentality having a distinct legal existence separate from the state and shall not be considered as a department of state government. The exercise […]
227-D:6 National Natural Landmarks. – The general court recognizes the 1987 designation of Mount Monadnock and the Rhododendron Grove in Fitzwilliam as National Natural Landmarks by the U.S. National Park Service, and hereby directs the Monadnock advisory commission and the department of natural and cultural resources to ensure the integrity of that designation in […]