259:1 Definition of Words and Phrases. – The following words and phrases when used in this title shall, for the purpose of this title, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this chapter, except where the context otherwise requires. Source. 1981, 146:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1982.
259:1-a Accident. – " Accident " shall mean any event that results in injury or property damage attributable directly or indirectly to the motion of a motor vehicle or its load. Source. 1983, 431:2, eff. Aug. 23, 1983.
259:1-b Access Aisle. – " Access aisle " shall mean a designated space for maneuvering a wheelchair or other mobility device when entering or exiting a vehicle, and that is immediately adjacent to a properly designated parking space for persons with a walking disability, whether on public or private property. Access aisles shall be […]
259:10 Citation. – " Citation " shall mean any citation, summons, ticket or other document issued by an arresting officer for violation of a law, ordinance or rule, pertaining to motor vehicle traffic, ordering the arrested motorist to appear. Source. RSA 264-A:1, II. 1971, 349:1. 1981, 146:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1982.
259:100 Sidewalk. – " Sidewalk ," as used in the provisions of this title relative to bicycles, shall mean all sidewalks laid out as such by a city, town or village district, or reserved by custom for the use of pedestrians, that are within the compact part of a city, village or district. It […]
259:100-a Single Unit Vehicle. – " Single unit vehicle " shall mean a truck consisting of cab, chassis and body capable of carrying a load and not primarily designed for drawing other vehicles. Source. 1983, 434:3, eff. June 24, 1983.
259:101 Ski Area Vehicles. – " Ski area vehicles " shall mean motor vehicles, except private passenger vehicles, whether wheeled or tracked, on-highway or off-highway, owned or leased by a ski area as defined in RSA 225-A:2, VIII, and used exclusively in winter or summer maintenance of ski trails, parking lots, private access roads, […]
259:102 Snowmobile. – " Snowmobile " shall mean any vehicle propelled by mechanical power that is designed to travel over ice or snow supported in part by skis, tracks, or cleats. Only vehicles that are no more than 54 inches in width and no more than 1200 pounds in weight shall be considered a […]
259:103 Solid Tires. – " Solid tires " shall mean tires of rubber or similarly elastic material that do not depend on confined air for the support of the load. Source. 1905, 86:1. 1911, 133:1. 1913, 81:1. 1915, 129:1. 1917, 229:1. 1919, 161:1. 1921, 119:1. 1923, 75:1. 1925, 25:1; 68:1. PL 99:1. 1927, 52:1. […]
259:103-a Special Fuel. – " Special fuel " shall mean all products, except gasoline, propane, natural gas, or liquified natural gas, used in an internal combustion engine for the generation of power to propel motor vehicles or mechanical contrivances on or over the ways. Source. 1990, 62:3. 1996, 292:8, eff. Jan. 1, 1997.
259:104 Special Mileage Commercial Tire. – " Special mileage commercial tire " shall mean a tire manufactured with an extra layer of rubber between the cord body and original tread design, which extra layer is designed for the purpose of recutting or regrooving, and which tire is specially labelled as a special mileage commercial […]
259:105 Special Mobile Equipment. – " Special mobile equipment " shall mean a vehicle not designed for the transportation of persons or property upon a highway and only incidentally driven or moved over a way, including but not limited to ditch-digging apparatus, well-boring apparatus and road construction and maintenance machinery such as asphalt spreaders, […]
259:106 State. – " State " shall mean: I. For purposes of the provisions of this title relative to financial responsibility, any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, or any province of the Dominion of Canada. II. For purposes of the provisions of this title relative to certificate of title, any […]
259:106-a Street Rod. – " Street rod " shall mean a vehicle, the body and frame of which were manufactured prior to the year 1949 and which has been modified for safe road use, or a replica thereof which has also been modified for safe road use. For purposes of this section, the word […]
259:107 Suspension. – " Suspension " shall mean the temporary withdrawal by formal action of the department or of a court of competent jurisdiction of a person’s driver’s license or privilege to drive a vehicle on the ways of this state, or any other license, registration or permit issued by the department, which temporary […]
259:107-a Tandem Axle. – " Tandem axle " shall mean 2 consecutive axles whose centers may be included between parallel vertical planes spaced at least 4 feet and not more than 10 feet apart, extending across the full width of the vehicle, except that for vehicles being driven on the interstate and defense highway […]
259:108 Tractor. – " Tractor " shall mean: any self-propelled vehicle designed or used for agricultural purposes or as a traveling power plant or for drawing other vehicles, but having no provision for carrying a load other than attached implements such as snowplows, tool boxes, or bucket loaders, but shall not include vehicles used […]
259:109 Tractor-trailer. – " Tractor-trailer " shall mean any truck-tractor and semi-trailer. Source. RSA 259:1, XVI-c. 1967, 341:1. 1981, 146:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1982.
259:11 Collateral or Bond. – " Collateral " or " bond ," as used in connection with a traffic citation or arrest, shall mean any cash or other security deposited to secure an appearance for trial following a citation by an arresting officer for violation of a traffic law, ordinance or rule. Source. RSA […]
259:11-a Combination Vehicle. – " Combination vehicle " shall mean a combination of truck-tractor and semi-trailer, or a combination of truck-tractor, semi-trailer, and full trailer, being driven together as an articulated unit. Source. 1983, 434:1, eff. June 24, 1983.