291:1 Request for Body. – It shall be the duty of the county commissioners of any county, the mayor and aldermen of any city, the overseers of the poor of any town, the warden of the state prison and the keeper of any jail in the state, upon previous request in writing by any […]
291:2 Bond. – Every person before receiving any such body shall give to the officers surrendering it a sufficient bond that it shall be used only in the state for the promotion of science, and in such manner as not to outrage or annoy the public; and that after the use allowed by law […]
291:3 Not Surrendered, When. – No such notice need be given, nor shall any such body be surrendered, if any person or persons shall claim it within 36 hours after death, and take it away and bury it without expense to the town or county otherwise liable for the same; nor shall such notice […]
291:4 Penalty. – Any person, upon whom duties are imposed by the provisions of this chapter, who shall neglect, refuse or omit to perform the same as hereby required shall be guilty of a misdemeanor if a natural person, or guilty of a felony if any other person. Source. PS 136:4. 1897, 28:1. PL […]