313-A:1 Definitions. – As used in this chapter: I. " Barber " means any person practicing barbering. II. " Barbering " means: (a) Shaving or trimming the beard or cutting the hair; (b) Giving facial or scalp massages or treatment with oils, creams, lotions, or other preparations, either by hand or mechanical appliances; or […]
313-A:10 Qualifications; Barbers. – I. In order to be issued a barber’s license by the board, a person shall: (a) Be of good professional character; (b) Have completed high school or its equivalent; (c) Have received training of: (1) A minimum of 800 hours of training in a school of barbering approved by the […]
313-A:11 Qualifications; Cosmetologists. – I. In order to be issued a cosmetologist’s license by the board, a person shall: (a) Be of good professional character; (b) Have completed high school or its equivalent; (c) Have received training of: (1) A minimum of 1,500 hours of training in a school of cosmetology approved by the […]
313-A:12 Qualifications; Manicurists. – A person, to be issued a manicurist’s license by the board, shall, in addition to satisfying the requirements of RSA 313-A:11, I(a), (b), and (e): I. Have completed a course of at least 300 hours of professional training in manicuring, in a school approved by the board and passed an […]
313-A:13 Qualifications; Estheticians. – To be issued an esthetics license by the board, an applicant shall, in addition to satisfying the requirements of RSA 313-A:11, I(a), (b), and (e), have completed a course of at least 600 hours of training in a school approved by the board and have passed an examination conducted by […]
313-A:14 Nonresidents. – The board shall license any applicant who is similarly licensed in any other state, provided the other state’s licensing requirements are substantially equivalent to or higher than those of this state. Source. 2000, 118:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2001.
313-A:15 Examinations. – The board shall hold examinations in barbering, cosmetology, manicuring, and esthetics at least once every 6 months in such towns throughout the state as it may deem convenient for applicants and at such additional times as it may from time to time determine. The scope and content of the examinations shall […]
313-A:16 Applications. – Applicants shall make written application to the board on a form prescribed and supplied by the office of professional licensure and certification which shall contain satisfactory evidence of the qualifications required of the applicant; and the applicant shall also pay the examination fee. Source. 2000, 118:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2001. 2021, […]
313-A:17 Display of License. – Every person licensed under this chapter shall display the license in a conspicuous place adjacent to or near the person’s work station. Source. 2000, 118:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2001.
313-A:18 Temporary Permit. – I. Any person eligible to take an examination for a license under this chapter may apply to the board for a permit to professionally operate temporarily pending the holding of such examination. The application shall be accompanied by the payment of a fee established by the board which shall be […]
313-A:19 Shop Licensure. – I. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person, as owner, manager, or agent, to open, establish, conduct, or maintain a salon, barbershop, or mobile barbershop without first having obtained a shop license from the board. Application for such shop license shall be made to the board in writing and […]
313-A:2 Board. – I. There shall be a board of barbering, cosmetology, and esthetics consisting of 7 members as follows: one licensed barber, one licensed cosmetologist, one licensed esthetician, one licensed manicurist, one owner of a licensed barbering, cosmetology, esthetics, or manicuring school who shall be a resident of New Hampshire or a designee […]
313-A:20 Expiration and Renewal of Licenses and Certificates. – Each barber, master barber, barber instructor, barbershop, barber school, esthetician, esthetics instructor, esthetics school, esthetics salon, manicurist, beauty salon, or manicuring salon license issued under this chapter, and any apprentice certificate issued under RSA 313-A:24, shall expire on the last day of the birth month […]
313-A:21 Inspectors. – I. The office of professional licensure and certification shall employ inspectors and authorize them to enter and make reasonable examination and inspection of any salon, barbershop, or school during business hours for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the administrative rules of the board and the provisions of this chapter […]
313-A:22 Disciplinary Action. – I. The board may undertake disciplinary proceedings: (a) Upon its own initiative; or (b) Upon written complaint of any person which charges that a person licensed by the board has committed misconduct under paragraph II and which specifies the grounds therefor. (c) In an action concerning a registered tanning facility, […]
313-A:23 Hearings. – The board shall take no disciplinary action without the opportunity for a hearing. At least 14 days prior to hearing, both parties to a disciplinary proceeding shall be served, either personally or by registered mail, with a written copy of the complaint filed and notice of the time and place for […]
313-A:24 Apprentice Registration and Certificates. – I. No person shall enter an apprenticeship or enroll in a school under this chapter unless such person has registered with the board as an apprentice and been issued an apprentice certificate. The board shall have sole authority to regulate apprentices and apprenticeship under this chapter. The board […]
313-A:25 Exemptions. – The provisions of this chapter relative to barbering, cosmetology, esthetics, and manicuring shall not be construed to apply to the following persons: I. Physicians and surgeons licensed under RSA 329 when engaged in the practice of their profession. II. Chiropractors licensed under RSA 316-A when engaged in the practice of their […]
313-A:26 Repealed by 2004, 177:15, eff. Jan. 1, 2008. –
313-A:27 Compliance With Law. – I. Every tanning device used by a tanning facility shall comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations, including those promulgated by the Federal Trade Commission and the United States Food and Drug Administration. II. The board shall enforce this chapter against a person who adulterates or […]