314-A:1 Definitions. – In this chapter: I. " Body piercing " means the creation of an opening in human tissue, except piercing of the ear lobe, through which jewelry or other items are inserted. II. " Branding " means a permanent mark made on human tissue by burning with a hot iron or other […]
314-A:10 Administrative Fines. – The executive director, after notice and hearing pursuant to rules adopted under RSA 541-A, may impose fines upon any person who violates any provision of this chapter or rules adopted pursuant to this chapter, in an amount not to exceed $2,000. Rehearings and appeals from a decision of the executive […]
314-A:11 Actions by the Executive Director. – The executive director may, in accordance with applicable law, maintain an action in the name of the state against any person, partnership, association, or corporation for practicing body piercing, marking, branding, or tattooing or operating an establishment in which these activities are conducted within the meaning of […]
314-A:12 Violations; Penalty. – I. Any person who shall practice or attempt to practice body piercing, branding, or tattooing in this state without a license shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor if a natural person or guilty of a felony if any other person. II. Any person who violates any other provision […]
314-A:13 Minimum Standards. – The provisions of this chapter represent minimum standards and shall not preclude any licensee from voluntarily exceeding these standards with more stringent provisions. Source. 2002, 195:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2003.
314-A:14 Advisory Board of Body Art Practitioners. – The executive director shall establish the advisory board of body art practitioners. The board shall consist of 3 body art practitioners who are licensees in the state of New Hampshire. Each member shall be appointed to a term of 3 years. No member shall serve more […]
314-A:2 License Required; Fees. – I. It shall be unlawful for any person to practice body piercing, branding, or tattooing without a license, unless such person is exempt under RSA 314-A:4. II. There shall be a fee for an initial license and a renewal license. The procedure and timeframe for license renewals shall be […]
314-A:3 Apprenticeship. – An apprentice license shall be issued if an applicant is unable to comply with any of the provisions of RSA 314-A:2. A person shall remain an apprentice for at least one year and until the supervising licensee attests that the apprentice is qualified to become licensed. Source. 2002, 195:1, eff. Jan. […]
314-A:4 Exemptions. – This chapter does not apply to: I. Any person licensed by the New Hampshire board of medicine. II. A person or facility which performs only ear lobe piercing. Source. 2002, 195:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2003.
See Emergency Order #29 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-29-Emerg. (2020, 2029:1.)) and Emergency Order #46 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-46-Emerg. (2020, 2046:1.)), issued pursuant to Executive Order 2020-04 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-04 (2020, 1004:1.)) as extended by Executive Orders 2020-05 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-05 (2020, 1005:1.)); 2020-08 (NH LEGIS E.O. 2020-08 (2020, 1008:1.)); 2020-09 (NH LEGIS E.O. […]
314-A:6 Rulemaking. – The executive director shall adopt rules, under RSA 541-A, relative to the practice of body piercing, branding, and tattooing and the licensure and operations of tattoo and body piercing facilities. Such rules shall include: I. Standards of hygiene to be met and maintained by establishments and practitioners in order to receive […]
314-A:7 Prohibited Acts. – No practitioner shall: I. Use any piercing needle more than once, or use a tattooing needle on more than one person. II. Fail to comply with any rule adopted pursuant to this chapter, order of the executive director, or any other provision of this chapter. III. Hire as an employee […]
314-A:8 Body Art on Minors Prohibited. – I. Branding and tattooing a person under the age of 18 is prohibited. II. Body piercing a person under the age of 18 is prohibited without consent of that person’s parent or legal guardian. III. The consent required by paragraph II of this section shall be satisfied […]
314-A:9 License Revocation or Suspension. – After notice and hearing the executive director may revoke or suspend any license issued under this chapter if the licensee: I. Violates any provision of this chapter or rule or order adopted or issued under it. II. Knowingly makes any false statement on any application or any report […]