Section 338-B:1 – Definitions.
338-B:1 Definitions. – In this chapter, " council " means the council for responsible gambling. Source. 2019, 215:5, eff. July 12, 2019.
338-B:1 Definitions. – In this chapter, " council " means the council for responsible gambling. Source. 2019, 215:5, eff. July 12, 2019.
338-B:2 Statement of Purpose. – Education, prevention, and treatment relating to gambling disorders are an integral part of a responsible gaming environment within the state. Source. 2019, 215:5, eff. July 12, 2019.
338-B:3 Establishment. – There is established the council for responsible gambling which shall promote education, prevention, and treatment of problem gambling within the state. Source. 2019, 215:5, eff. July 12, 2019.
338-B:4 Membership. – I. The council shall consist of 5 members appointed by the governor and executive council and shall be qualified in the field of addiction or mental health services with a focus on problem gambling and shall be residents of the state. A member may be removed by the governor and executive […]
338-B:5 Powers and Duties. – The council shall have the authority to enter into grants and contracts for the purposes of furthering education, prevention, and treatment of problem gambling within the state. Source. 2019, 215:5, eff. July 12, 2019.
338-B:6 Report of the Council. – The council shall submit a biennial report to the governor and executive council on or before October 1 of each even-numbered year. The report shall include a description of the council’s activities including a financial report for the relevant time period. Source. 2019, 215:5, eff. July 12, 2019.
338-B:7 Administrative Attachment. – The council shall be administratively attached to the lottery commission in accordance with RSA 21-G:10. In addition to the support provided to an administratively attached agency, the lottery commission shall also provide the following to the council: I. Funding in an amount not to exceed $250,000 per fiscal year to […]