339-B:1 Deception Prohibited. – No person shall store, sell, offer or expose for sale any liquid fuels, lubricating oils, greases or other similar products in any manner whatsoever which may deceive, tend to deceive or has the effect of deceiving the purchaser of said products as to the nature, quality or quantity of the […]
339-B:10 Rules. – The department of agriculture, markets, and food shall enforce the provisions of this chapter. The commissioner of agriculture, markets, and food may adopt rules, under RSA 541-A, as necessary for the proper enforcement of this chapter. The commissioner shall issue stop sale orders when any product stored, sold, offered or exposed […]
339-B:11 Effect of Stop Sale Order. – The attachment of a stop sale order to any improperly labeled product is notice and warning to all persons whomsoever, including, but not limited to, the owner or custodian, to scrupulously refrain from moving, altering, or interfering in any manner with any such product, or altering, defacing, […]
339-B:12 Penalty for Violations. – Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of RSA 339-B shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and for a subsequent offense be guilty of a misdemeanor if a natural person, or guilty of a felony if any other person. Source. 1971, 404:1. 1973, 528:239, eff. Oct. 31, […]
339-B:13 Duties of Suppliers. – Any fuel supplier who installs a fuel heating system, at the request of a property owner, where a fuel oil heating system already exists, shall be responsible for the following: I. Securely capping both ends of all fill pipes connected to the fuel tank or taking such other measures […]
339-B:14 Definitions. – In this subdivision: I. "Liquefied petroleum gas" means any material that is composed predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons or mixtures of those hydrocarbons: (a) Propane. (b) Propylene. (c) Normal Butane. (d) Isobutane. (e) Butylenos. II. "Owner" means any person who holds title to a liquefied petroleum gas container. Source. […]
339-B:15 Unlawful Use of Containers. – No person except the owner, or a person authorized in writing by the owner, shall fill or refill a liquefied petroleum gas container with a capacity of or greater than 100 pounds with a liquefied petroleum gas or any other gas or substance. Source. 1992, 263:6, eff. July […]
339-B:16 Penalties. – Any person, firm or corporation, or any officer, agent, servant or employee thereof, who violates the provisions of RSA 339-B:13-339-B:15 shall be guilty of a violation if a natural person, or guilty of a misdemeanor if any other person. Source. 1992, 263:6, eff. July 17, 1992.
339-B:2 Used Lubricants. – A person may store, sell, or offer for sale any lubricating oil composed in whole or in part of previously used lubricating oil if: I. The containers of the reclaimed, recleaned or reconditioned previously used lubricating oil, lubricants or mixtures of lubricants be plainly labeled, showing that the content thereof, […]
339-B:2-a Mixture of Used and Virgin Oil. – To encourage the recycling of waste oil, a person may store or sell a mixture that consists of at least 90 percent virgin no. 6 oil and the remainder complying with the used fuel oil specifications in 40 CFR, section 279.11, table 1. Source. 1995, 192:2, […]
339-B:3 Proper Trade Name Required. – No person shall keep, expose or offer for sale, or sell any liquid fuels, lubricating oils, greases or other similar products from any container, tank, pump, or other distributing device, other than those manufactured or distributed by the manufacturer or distributor indicated by the name, trademark, symbol, sign […]
339-B:4 Imitating Trade Names. – It is unlawful for any person to disguise or camouflage his own equipment by imitating the design, symbol, trade name, or the equipment under which recognized brands of liquid fuels, lubricating oils, and similar products are generally marketed. Source. 1971, 404:1, eff. Aug. 28, 1971.
339-B:5 Using Trademark of Another. – No person shall expose or offer for sale or sell under any trademark, trade name, or name or other distinguishing mark, any liquid fuels, lubricating oils, greases, or other similar products, other than those manufactured or distributed by the manufacturer or distributor marketing such products under such trade […]
339-B:6 Mixing Fuels of Different Manufacturers. – No person shall mix, blend or compound the liquid fuels, lubricating oils, greases or similar products of a manufacturer or distributor with the products of any other manufacturer or distributor, or adulterate the same, and expose, offer for sale, or sell such mixed, blended or compounded products […]
339-B:7 Mixing Fuels of Same Manufacturer. – It is unlawful for any person to mix, blend, compound or adulterate the liquid fuel, lubricating oil, grease, or similar product of a manufacturer or distributor with a liquid fuel, lubricating oil, grease or similar product of the same manufacturer or distributor of a character or nature […]
339-B:8 Gasoline Sales. – It shall be unlawful for any person operating a retail gasoline station to: I. Display, or allow to be displayed on his premises, any sign, placard, or other advertisement relating to the retail price of gasoline unless numerals thereon indicating fractions or portions of a whole number are at least […]
339-B:9 Conspiracy Prohibited. – No person shall aid or assist any other person in violating any of the provisions of this chapter, by depositing or delivering into any tank, pump, receptacle, or other container, any liquid fuels, lubricating oils, greases or other like products, other than those intended to be stored therein, as indicated […]