372:6 Notice. – Persons authorized to construct and maintain a railroad as provided in RSA 372:2 shall give a copy of such location to each owner of land included in the location, if known and resident in the state, at least 14 days before application shall be made for an appraisal of the damages […]
372:7 Change of Location. – If any owner of land over which the road is located, or stockholders of the corporation holding 1/10 of its capital stock, are dissatisfied with the location, they may, at any time before damages are assessed, apply by petition to the department of transportation for a change of the […]
372:8 Conveyances. – The corporation, either before or after such location, may obtain deeds, or bonds for deeds, of any lands which it deems necessary for its road, or of the right of way over the same. Source. GS 146:9. GL 160:9. PS 158:8. PL 248:8. RL 298:8.
372:9 Petition for Appraisal. – If from any cause the corporation does not obtain the deeds provided for in RSA 372:8, it may apply by petition to the department of transportation to appraise the damages occasioned to the owners of such lands by the railroad. Source. 1844, 128:5. CS 150:10. GS 146:10. GL 160:10. […]